Sour Crack in hot soil

From what I've read, early hermies just need to be ditched - the thing is, I'm sure it was stress related and the plant seems happier now. Male parts were isolated to only 3 lower nodes - nothing but pistils throughout the rest of the plant.


I have removed the male parts as well as trained + defoliated so I can keep an eye on it easier. I feel like it was just a brief stress response but will remain vigilant in checking daily. If any more male parts appear I will remove the plant.

Now I'm nice and paranoid about hermies - does this node on another plant look safe?

There's pistils but these stand out as being different to all the others. Hoping it's a false alarm... Sorry to bombard you with so many questions. I'm super appreciative of all your help with these plants - it's a lot of new growing challenges that I haven't faced before!!

Despite the set backs (aka lessons!) I would never have imagined one of my plants with so many bud sites at day 23 - super excited to see how the rest of the grow goes. The new light seems to be killing it :smoking:

....:nono: suspect! it's possible to get calyxes and male flowers wadded up next to each other,... nip them off anyway, they serve no purpose!
tell me about what stress they have had, we need to confirm that more solidly,... Might need to talk with Mephisto Mitch in PM, there have been some troubles with recent batch of SC,...
The only stress they've suffered is the n toxicity - perhaps slight over watering once. temperatures have risen to 27c a couple of times but nothing crazy, rh around 65 and adequate ventilation. I hadn't even cut a single leaf before these characteristics started to show..
They've also just potentially had a few hours at 45% RH as the humidifier ran out of water. Woke up to a few lowers like this - some of the pots were too dry. fed some silicon and magnesium .
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Hey, no I currently don't have anything to treat the Plants, I have removed the effected leaves so far but I'm not sure if it is spidermites because all of these egg looking things are on the top of the leaves instead of the bottom. The plants only have small pre-flowers currently so I hope to find an organic solution to spray on them
45% isn't a problem,.... those weird leaf symptoms, seen that before,.. never pinned down what that is, I asked a grow master and he said it's possibly an infection that got in through the stomatat on lea bottoms,.. these were near or laying atop of the soil?
..can't quite tell in this pic; white globs aren't mites (probably a trichome*), not sure about that green blob,... poke at them and see if they move!...
* keep in mind there are other type of trichomes, bulbous and sessile....
Some kind of infection makes sense as it was the lowest touching soil. I've removed the leaves and it hasn't spread. I do now have 3 hermies on my hands, which leaves only 3 females left out of 10 seeds planted - will contact mephisto to see if they can shed some light on it. Male parts are appearing in the same places on each plant (don't know enough about it to say if that's coincidence or genetics). I've got them outside the tent across the room while I decide what to do. Weighing up getting a new tent and light to finish them in as it's half my remaining crop.

I think they also have zinc deficiency from high ph or lockout - new growth is light between veins with lighter tips, some leaves are twisting.
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I think I will do a ph'd 2x pot size flush with 1ml bloom nutrients to mobilise any salt build up.

Also, some of the leaves are beginning to lighten on the bottom but the tops are still clawing, so I'm guessing they're hungry for something and there's too much N.

I may end up just feeding an organic pk booster in a week or two because I don't want to make the n toxicity worse.

This has been a tragic run so far... here's to the last 3 standing!

Start of a Potassium deficiency? Lowers are beginning to lighten