New Grower Does nitrogen toxicity damage go away?

May 15, 2016
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Im wondering if my plants need nitrogen. only fed once, they are end of 4 weeks now. The white widow showed slight clawing 3 days after feed so I didn't give anything again. I noticed though that the lower fan leaves are slightly getting pale towards yellowing possibly..certainly not as dark as they were a week ago. Upper growth seems ok. Was wondering if a plant can still display the claw from a previous overfeed yet still be lacking in nitrogen?


  • day 25 WW         (8 inches).jpg
    day 25 WW (8 inches).jpg
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  • day 27 WW     (9.3 inches).jpg
    day 27 WW (9.3 inches).jpg
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    day 28 WW heavier LST started.jpg
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If you only fed them once in 4 weeks and heading into the 5th week you need to get them on a feeding schedule,they need their vitamins:) I am not sure about the claw thing but I am going to guess yes but maybe someone will hop in that knows 100 percent. I give my plants nutes about week 2 no later than the middle of week three. She will gain color and bounce back in no time. Honestly your plants look good to me. Love the avatar too.:slap:
All I read about auto's is they don't like nutes..don't fed them until maybe flowering. Its why I only tried once with 1ml in 5L of water and te claw came out on it was too much, but now I have no idea why it's yellowing in different places and not the same way..meaning one the entire leaf is getting pale..2 others higher up have yellowing in the middle of the leaf. Its too many things that it can be so im getting rid of the white widow. I got auto's because I thought they don't need to be fed, so less hassle for a 1st timer, but its anything but witht hat one. Will not be getting any white widow again!
Feed it and see what happens. Your going to toss it anyway so what can it hurt.

I feed my auto's every day from day 4 or 5 on until they are flushed for harvest.

But I've done it once or twice before so i know how much to use.....
The Ak isn't that bad, it never got the claw from same feeding..but lower leaves are yellowing slowly. White widow is going faster..yesterday morning none of this yellowing was as visible! I also notice purpling/redding of stems, which can also be numerous reasons as to why that happened.


  • WW end of week 4.jpg
    WW end of week 4.jpg
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  • WW end of week 4 (2).jpg
    WW end of week 4 (2).jpg
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  • AK end of week 4.jpg
    AK end of week 4.jpg
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Feed it and see what happens. Your going to toss it anyway so what can it hurt.

I feed my auto's every day from day 4 or 5 on until they are flushed for harvest.

But I've done it once or twice before so i know how much to use.....
Ya, at this point i'll give it the full feeding, I don't really care to lose the white widow as it doesn't seem healthy. Watering now.
Ya, at this point i'll give it the full feeding, I don't really care to lose the white widow as it doesn't seem healthy. Watering now.

I have heard that the WW are a bit finicky at times
I have heard that the WW are a bit finicky at times
Yes I read exactly the same thing a couple days ago! Not a friendly plant to grow and huge leaves block everything. im happy that if I had to lose one, it was that one!
I don't think you will lose it if you feed proper strength.

Your pics show nothing more than a starved plant.
On a side note..i don't know if it matters..but at the end of week 4, neither plant has an odour at all! I can put my nose right over the top flowering part, and zero smell!