DIY - Self Watering Container

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ok here's the one i made



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That is supper nice phree. Supper nice is an underestimate. The best container I have seen!!

Now lets make it even better; what if you lined the inside with big bubble rap using hot glue to hole it there, for insulation, ageist high heat (or cold) this would lower water uses. You put the bubble rap on top under the mulch to.

You could make the some spots in the bottom of the container where the reservoir wick is not “air root pruning spots”
By cutting out big spots 6x6 and then covering over the holes with screen wire.

Or you could cover the bottom of the container where the reservoir wick is not at, with one those fiber pot inserts made for air root pruning.

You could cover the out side of the container with cameo netting. Make the container disappear in the woods.

How long did this take with the “heat gun” to get the plastic hot enough so it becomes pliable?
What are the holes in the side for? plants?
The thermo gun only takes a minute or so for the plastic to become pliable. Very fast, like an industrial strength hair dryer.
It takes about 4-5 minutes for it to cool down. You need to hold the shape until it has cooled down. The plastic seems to shrink back in to shape while it is cooling down.

I like your bubble wrap idea. I think refletix, would be better. It has aluminum on both sides of the bubble wrap and should reflect heat more.

The strawberry holes are 5 inches from the top. They are 5 inches wide. They are spaced 7 inches apart all the way around.
In a 55 gallon you could get a couple of rows of the strawberry holes.

I choose the brown color so it would not stand out in the great outdoors. Of course the plants grown in it will be green. It should look like a tree trunk with a bushy top.

The water reservoir holds a little over 8 gallons.

In the spring I would use a media that was fairly well drained. Because we get rain in the spring time.

In the summer and fall I would use the most water holding capacity media I could mix. I would go heavy on the vermiculite and/or manure, and possibly use some water crystals. Because our summer and fall temps are brutal, and very little rain.
I think you could grow in a dessert with this system.

I'm thinking about chicken wire or bird netting to protect the barrel. Of course paint the chicken wire brown and green.
Take 4 stakes and drive them in the ground in a circle around the barrel, about 12 inches away from the barrel. Then wrap the stakes with chicken wire.

Animals could not even get to it. No more animals digging up our plants.

The barrel would be very easy to make into a hydro set up for indoors. You could even link several barrels together.
Just think 1 barrel and a 150 watt HPS in a closet, and 1 harvest of some nice autos, would last me a year.

I truly hope more outdoor growers and indoor growers will see the potential in this system.
what do you plan on growing in your new system?
Keep us updated.

Not sure if you are going to have access to electricity or not.
I have a battery operated pump for running a bubbler. You can get them at basspro or cabelas. Takes D batteries.
I use it to keep my fishing bait alive.
The pump would be great for guerilla growing.
I like your bubble wrap idea. I think refletix, would be better. It has aluminum on both sides of the bubble wrap and should reflect heat more.
The barrel would be very easy to make into a hydro set up for indoors. You could even link several barrels together.
Just think 1 barrel and a 150 watt HPS in a closet, and 1 harvest of some nice autos, would last me a year.
I truly hope more outdoor growers and indoor growers will see the potential in this system.

You are right the refletix with the aluminum would have a better R-value. But you can’t have the aluminum touching the soil. The aluminum ions will replace the other ions. And alter the pH. This would be EZ to fix by running plastic around inside as a barrier between the refletix and the soil.

The potential of these self-watering containers is so untapped.