Indoor DIY DWC - Baby Buckets!

Got a little baby plant 6 days after she touched water. Microscope shot into rockwool last night:

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Blimp Shot:

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Gonna chop the blueberry tonight but give the cookies a few more days she's still drinkin pretty good.

Any issue with letting buds cure with sugar leaves on? I cut my finger wicked bad last week trying to make apple chips so would prefer to delay if at all possible. Y'all stay frosty and thanks for reading :weed:
I can't say I've done that but I do cure my trim in grove bags to do bho runs with so I would imagine you'd have no issues if it's all dried properly and at the correct rh.
that was the plan, but didnt make it to that step. this was my first time using a mandolline to slice and I was way over confident. side of thumb sashimi :nono:
You try an apple slicer like this?
Johnny Apple Peeler, Corer, Slicer, Pie Maker, Stainless Steel Blades, Red VKP1010
Run them through that, slice down the side with a knife and your left with perfect slices for dehydrating. Toss them in lemon juice to stop browning. Love the baby DWC buckets BTW
ended up chopping both plants down.

not super happy with the blueberry, airy buds. decent smell. trimmed the best ounce, jarred, put the rest in a 1lb grove bag for dry ice hash. this plant was more of a "kush" bud structure wise but didnt really fill out. newbie grower, weak light (i prioritized the other plant), and decapitating didn't help the white label genetics. in flower i accidentally took the whole top of the plant off while trying to train with string. main cola probs like four nodes down.


anyway, very very very happy with the cookiesXwhite widow. she displays more traditional "haze" (sativa, narrow leaf, etc) bud structure so they arent huge but feel great. meticulously trimmed my butt off and filled a QP grove bag with primo bud. royale with cheeeeeeese!!!!! also almost filled a 1lb grove bag with trim and larf and all that for the hash run.

i had a horrible first grow in soil and the other DWC plant wasn't great, so super thankful that this one rocked. needed the confidence booster!


the babies are doin well, and to be honest theyve been a bit neglected. way way way too dry in this tent (40s rh) but they all seem to be jammin. with the harvest out of the way i hope to dial in over the next week and then drop light to 12/12 and start flower. got two photo (from reg not feminized) seeds going alongside the sour stomper auto. wanna push that durban early especially. note the timeline is from germination/wet seed not from sprout.


Veggin Out
Popped two brand new seeds, humidity dialed in, dug into a bottle of is good. Neighbor gave some "chocolate mint" from their garden, totally blown away. way milder and 'deeper' i wanna say compared to like a sharp regular mint. super killer in cocktail testing!

tent is rockin, timeline:


super artsy album cover shot:

Bigger Buckets and 2skunkZ
Whassup AFN fam hope everyone's doin ok today. Got some fun tent activity to share.

Graduated from quart to halfgal deli containers for my two photoperiod plants. The transplants were sucessful but the larger plant had kinda reached the max on root size - tangled up the airstone and wanted to hold her hostage! I think moving forward I might cut the line short to the plant and use a quick-connect, so the stone can always "live with" the plant. All a learning experience.

Speaking of learning experiences and quick connects, dont cheap out on connectors/T's for your 1/4" line. I've got a couple floraflex T's from the grow shop and they work awesome. The cheap pack of a million T's/connectors from Amazon are trash. Just a tiiiiiiiny bit too large to comfortably remove a line. The headache is not worth the few dollars.

Here's the Durban transferring:


Full Tent:



Timeline, days since seed touched moisture for all except for clone (day planted):





All the plants seem to be doin ok. Tickin down the lights little by little, wanna be down to 13 or 14 as the durban gets another node and then twelve shortly after.

Dependin on the sexin some of these will go to a new tent, outside, or to plant heaven. Pretty sure the first boy's gonna go outside and get a crack at studdin out with that clone. Got two full size 5gal buckets waiting and ready for the first two big girls.

I'm about half way thru my GeneralHydroponics liquid nutes, thinkin about going to powder based next. Seams (seems?) cheaper and easier to keep on hand than liquid. Some of the lines/brands have like seven or eight parts....thinkin maybe the Spartan line for simplicity......GH aint been bad tho. Just 3 bottles in different proportions depending on stage of life and then calmag so 4 bottles total.

Had a volcano of some of my first grow, Fastbud #2 auto by Sweet Seeds. Was def a learning experience with that plant but pretty happy with the zippy buzz. Homegrow is wicked fun!
Lost Some Plants
Baby Buckets Experiment: Ended. Results: Bad!

In my worry of letting them go dry I kept the water too high and developed some weakness/rot at stem bases. These containers also let too much light in. Sour Stomper DEAD Luxors Durban DEAD:



The Notorious Glue, now in flower, got big and was havin trouble standin on its own. Transplanted into 5gal bucket.....not sure I laid the roots properly and all that. Hopin she makes it, been a vigorous plant:


Two Skunk testers from FrostBros still alive and doin ok but i was worried about the baby decided to transplant both to a single 5gal bucket:


Pray for these baby nerds! The homemade DWC buckets let way too much light :-( Not enough space for water and air. Tough to keep them individually watered. Good learning experience, will not be trying again the same way. Will be building a tote/tub or flood table in the next few weeks :headbang:

Sad about losing some plants, but overall happy with how things are goin. We still got a chance with these babies. Got some serious fire to run next, both photo fems, 'Night Moves' by Exotic Genetix and 'Something Good' from twenty20. 'White Cookies' by Captain Red Beard from my last run ended up pretty fantastic after curing, and theres a lot of it, so hard to be bummed!

Y'all stay frosty!