Looking great man! I see you have made two separate panels, or are you just changing the current on those drivers? Getting the correct current is key. I do not know the extent of your knowledge so please, do not be offended. do you have a potentiometer to measure the current and power being supplied to your LEDs? I know that the power supply had a data sheet that showed this, but you would be surprised in the fluctuations of current especially with the type of drivers you are using. Im not sure if you have been looking around on other forums for info, but to be honest getting help on a cannabis forum and gathering all info about LEDs from them is not a good idea. Id check the physics, electrician forums, different scholarly journals in online databases, email and pick the brain of some LED producers (sometimes they just love to talk about it others are more "business savvy") and also look at your local library. all the information you need will not come from one of these sources, but from a culmination of them all because there are an infinite number of ways to go about this process, I have made 3 panels myself and now want to create more because I see my flaws and where I need improvements. Please take the time to look beyond hype with these products and get more into the science as it will help you develop a new system not one that has been previously used. That is the american way, we build on the knowledge of great men and we innovate it is our greatest strength. sorry about the long post as I see you are about finished with your current project and I am not doubting the hours of research you have most likely put into the subject. Please, if you have questions if you want to talk about design or anything contact me I am all for helping and even more interested in learning myself as I am not the authority on LED production by any means.
P.S. If your going to put lenses on your LEDs just put them on the outer two clusters and leave the middle without them to get more even light coverage.
P.P.S. could you post the data sheets for the bulbs and drivers your are using?