Indoor DiscretePete Vs Roark

In coco we use a lite solution so as not to mess up the the buffering. Is it not the same in soil?
I thought in soil just straight RO and then add a light feed for the last litter of two you put in...but I've not really done this often so I don't know how correct that would b lol. But I think that's how I'm going to do it. That's how tang does his midway flush, must b at least some what right lol
I thought in soil just straight RO and then add a light feed for the last litter of two you put in...but I've not really done this often so I don't know how correct that would b lol. But I think that's how I'm going to do it. That's how tang does his midway flush, must b at least some what right lol
I personally don't do a mid flush I did when I done photos and change the light schedule but with the autos I just slowly introduce bloom nutes starting of at 1/4 strengh I'm new to autos so what do I know
I personally don't do a mid flush I did when I done photos and change the light schedule but with the autos I just slowly introduce bloom nutes starting of at 1/4 strengh I'm new to autos so what do I know
Well @Bailey, you got 2700 rep points. You know somethin. Dont count yourself short.
So tonight I flushed Lil roark...than began her on my organic nectar for the gods calcium based line. Should help tie up excess salts, level out PH, supply efficient calcium because it is a calcium based line, and provide a nice organic finish to the show. Normally wouldn't change up like this but it was my best route....
So tonight I flushed Lil roark...than began her on my organic nectar for the gods calcium based line. Should help tie up excess salts, level out PH, supply efficient calcium because it is a calcium based line, and provide a nice organic finish to the show. Normally wouldn't change up like this but it was my best route....View attachment 569081 View attachment 569082 View attachment 569083 View attachment 569084
Coming along just fine Pete isn't it I like the shape it's taken bro
Coming along just fine Pete isn't it I like the shape it's taken bro
Thanks Bailey, the struggle is real lol but she took great to the feed I think. I dunno they love these lights so much she didn't skip a beat and prayed through the fish and through the night and is still praying lol photosynthesis at its maximum!
I'm not sure what you got going on Pete. I personally never do a mid flush but I don't water to runoff either. If you already flushed her get rid of all the discolored leaves. For one the plant uses energy to repair them and it makes it easier to spot more defs
Thanks Bailey, the struggle is real lol but she took great to the feed I think. I dunno they love these lights so much she didn't skip a beat and prayed through the fish and through the night and is still praying lol photosynthesis at its maximum!
Yeah she sure is praying hard I didn't know that ment there photosynthesis every day a school day at afn lol