Indoor DiscretePete Vs Roark

Before I started using liquid silica the ph perfect at half strength took my ph down to 5.3 not good in coco it does take a bit more ph down I just mix everything the night before then let it sit over night but don't forget I mix up 20 ltrs at a time ph doesn't fluctuate as much in 20ltrs as say 5 ltrs

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I'm in soil and mix up 2LTr. Per plant at a maximum I think lol. Might just have to stick with what I'm doing for now and work with calmag amounts lol. I'm about to order some kind soil and earth juice PH down and just 24hr bubble my water, PH what I pull out and need each time. Only going to try two girls for now and see how it goes....
Okay so I just want to chim in here.
Now my tap, which is all I ever use, is 7-8 ph and 80-90 ppm and full alof tannins.
I use cutting edge solutions. I used to, but don't anymore, unless its a code 110 red emergency, chase the ph. Caused me loads of headaches. Then I just said whatever. My ph generally sits at about......5.8-6.2 after the cal settles in. Rare ph based problems anymore.
I had considered ph perfect, but I don't like alll the levels and additives, so complicated. To me.
I thought ph perfect ment it was ph perfect regardless of water used. Within reason.
Also, even if the ph is "supposed" to have an optimum range for coco or soil...there are always nutes that are just barely available at the prefered "recommended" ph levels.
I might just let the rez alone and see if it doesn't do just fine.
But shit, they ain't my plants....@discretepete just stop feeeding her
Great battle guys!! I wish I had better internet so I could backtrack and check out all of the pic so far. When I borrow a friends internet stick I will do so. Amazing how different the plants look so far!
912,, got Wild Blue Exede, $120/month got all my communications aced, streams Netflex, amazon, make phone calls on gmail, not even supposed to get up here but works, most of the time, lol, that $ is for unlimited bandwith