Dinafem Dinafem White Cheese (1st grow)

Day 34 or real close to it I'm kinda losing count

Well the white widow is a little concerning right now I gave Epsom salt with the last watering but I'm starting to thing she just got a little over waters maybe, the reason being today the haze and cheese were bone dry and took a gallon each but when I put the moisture checker in the widow it still registered wet and I could feel the moisture less than finger deep go I'm going to let her dry completely out before another watering. But on the other hand she is still growing well and stretched a good bit so I cut the strap on her main cola and there all pretty even now


The haze is growing steady still and most new growth is coming in dark green and healthy looking so I'm excited to see if she can bounce back


The white cheese is still an amazing looking beast to me and I love going down everyday just to see what has developed over the past few hrs. When my ph perfect grow comes in I am going to give her a small dose to see how she does and go from there with the ph perfect GMB
man if someone ask what strain to grow in MG the answer would have to be White Cheese. that thing is insane. the other's are doing well also. you sir, are a grow bad ass !
Day 39 picture update

The white cheese is still looking amazing and growing like crazy. But I would really like to get input on the other two and there progress for day 36 if there behind or on track

Coming along nicely sir!! I'm using similar lighting and can't belive te results I'm getting. Crazy. Keep er up dude!!
the white cheese is fantastic but you already know this. the other's look a little behind but healthy.maybe late bloomer's?
Thanks samurai I was thinking they were a little behind on the flowering but I didn't want to go off the cheese to judge. Well maybe I'll get a little off them I'll be happy with any yield being my first time...... and I have been looking very deep into a deep water culture hydroponic system for my next run. It is very interesting to me and I have a little extra cash I may be giving it a go
I did a photo grow to learn from before going auto and did some cloning with a hydro dwc type tub. it's amazing how fast they rooted and grew new growth. I'm thinking the cheese is going to yield real well and the other's will come around soon enough.