Dinafem Dinafem Autos: Blue Amnesia XXL & Bubba Kush (Only1Sky)

Day 65. Yum Yum. Blue Amnesia is maturing a bit faster and sparkling from her frosty goodness. She's 20" (50.8 cm). :biggrin:


Bubba Kush is weighing in at 28" (71 cm). This photo does not do her justice. She is much fuller and wider than the photo shows. :thumbsup:

Greetings folks. Its day 73 for the two Dinafem ladies. Not too smelly and not too sticky, but a real pleasure for the eyes. Blue Amnesia is holding steady at the same 20" (50.8 cm) she had last week. So her stretch is done. Here's a couple of views:

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The Bubba Kush is coming along a little slower, but that's because she's got more to give. In the past week she added another 1.5 inches and is now at 29.5" (75 cm). Also her buds are not (yet) nearly as frosty or well developed as the Blue Amnesia. Here's a look:

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@Only1Sky What do you think regards to harvest mate?

Another 7 maybe 10 day's and chop time?

That Blue ammo, something special there :pass:

I'll drop back in soon mate :cheers:

All the best :bong:

@Only1Sky What do you think regards to harvest mate?

Another 7 maybe 10 day's and chop time?

That Blue ammo, something special there :pass:

I'll drop back in soon mate :cheers:

All the best :bong:


Hi Mark, thanks for checking in. I agree with your timeline, she's getting close. Currently amber trichs on about 7-10%, but only on the two topmost buds; others are still cloudy or clear. :thumbsup:
Day 78. Blue Amnesia is getting pretty mature. Moderately sticky on top third, and starting to put out a lovely perfume into the room. :smoking: Today I took her out of the tent for a proper photo shoot. Here's a look, enjoy; I am for sure.

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Today we will feature the Bubba Kush. :thumbsup: She's 82 days old and 29.5" (75 cm) in height. Nice bud development, but still quite a ways to go... a couple of weeks I think. She is now off of the GreenLeaf nutrient program, and into the final phase, which for me involves a feed of Green Planet DENSE, then 3 or 4 feeds of Herculean Harvest (bone meal), then the cycle repeats. Today I pulled out my box of Atlas Plant Trainer pieces, and installed a few support columns to help separate the colas that were growing a little too close to each other.

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Today we will feature the Bubba Kush. :thumbsup: She's 82 days old and 29.5" (75 cm) in height. Nice bud development, but still quite a ways to go... a couple of weeks I think. She is now off of the GreenLeaf nutrient program, and into the final phase, which for me involves a feed of Green Planet DENSE, then 3 or 4 feeds of Herculean Harvest (bone meal), then the cycle repeats. Today I pulled out my box of Atlas Plant Trainer pieces, and installed a few support columns to help separate the colas that were growing a little too close to each other.

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Still looks to have a little way to go yet mate :thumbsup:

Is she just on plane water? Now your in the final week's?

Blue Amnesia look to be the closer to harvest out of the 2 :pass:

Stay safe until next time :bighug:

All the best :bong:

Hi @Dinafem-Mark -- For some reason, I don't use plain water when the plants enter their final phase. Instead, I do a few weeks of a revolving program that
involves a feed of Green Planet DENSE, then 3 or 4 feeds of Herculean Harvest (bone meal), then the cycle repeats.