Dinafem Dinafem Autos: Blue Amnesia XXL & Bubba Kush (Only1Sky)

Day 27; the stretch is on. Topped both the Bubba Kush and Blue Amnesia three days ago; they're handling it quite well. Still feeding just once every 3 days, but increasing volume now to 1.25 liters each. Mix is also enhanced with stronger MegaCrop and now with Sweet Candy and some GreenLeaf Kelp Extract.

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Unfortunately, today the Bubba Kush started showing signs of what I think is a cal-mag deficiency. I was expecting this, given the coco and strong Amare LED/COB light -- so no surprise. I added some cal-mag and Opti-Foliar Transport to the daily stray bottle of kelp extract. Next feed I will also start, and continue henceforth, with a fairly strong dose of cal-mag into the the GreenLeaf/MegaCrop mix.

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@St. Tom -- notice anything familiar about the medium? Hats off to you. :toke: I'm trying the coco/clay pebbles (hydroton) mix 60/40 for the first time. No perlite or vermiculite. Had to make the mix myself, 'cause the premixed bags are virtually impossible to get here in USA. Hope you all (human & K-9 family) are doing well
@St. Tom -- notice anything familiar about the medium? Hats off to you. :toke: I'm trying the coco/clay pebbles (hydroton) mix 60/40 for the first time. No perlite or vermiculite. Had to make the mix myself, 'cause the premixed bags are virtually impossible to get here in USA. Hope you all (human & K-9 family) are doing well
I hope it works well for you :d5: and family and zeta are great but bored shitless though my Mrs is missing going to see her horse though
@St. Tom -- notice anything familiar about the medium? Hats off to you. :toke: I'm trying the coco/clay pebbles (hydroton) mix 60/40 for the first time. No perlite or vermiculite. Had to make the mix myself, 'cause the premixed bags are virtually impossible to get here in USA. Hope you all (human & K-9 family) are doing well

The mix you've made is going to be very similar if not identical to what you can buy, be interesting to see how this mix fairs :thumbsup:

Stretch time :headbang:

Stay safe out there buddy :bighug:

All the best :bong:

Day 31. Growing these two strains together is going to be a bit challenging. Its pretty clear that they are responding differently to their environmental situation. The Blue Amnesia seems quite happy. Good color, growth is low and bushy. Bubba Kush is tall and lanky and still showing stress. A little cupping on her leaves (I've tilted the light upward on her side now), and still slow to bounce back from the early-onset of cal-mag deficiency (I should have started adding supplementation before the first signs appeared.) Nevertheless, both growing strongly. You can spot a touch of LST by way of some wooden clothes pins to help open things up and pull apart the aftermath of their topping. Cheers all.

Day 31. Growing these two strains together is going to be a bit challenging. Its pretty clear that they are responding differently to their environmental situation. The Blue Amnesia seems quite happy. Good color, growth is low and bushy. Bubba Kush is tall and lanky and still showing stress. A little cupping on her leaves (I've tilted the light upward on her side now), and still slow to bounce back from the early-onset of cal-mag deficiency (I should have started adding supplementation before the first signs appeared.) Nevertheless, both growing strongly. You can spot a touch of LST by way of some wooden clothes pins to help open things up and pull apart the aftermath of their topping. Cheers all.

View attachment 1180069View attachment 1180070 :biggrin:

2 very differently structured plants, going make this grow even more interesting :thumbsup:

Thanks for the diary update mate :cheers:

Stay safe in these crazy times :bighug:

All the best :bong:

Day 38 and we seem to be past the rough edges of the early cal-mag deficiencies. Both plants seem to be doing well. Blue Amnesia is starting her flower development. Bubba Kush is not yet flowering, but is continuing stretch type development, and consequently is getting more aggressive LST. Today I shifted their feed program to include the PK Booster (Bud Explosion) along with the MegaCrop, Sweet Candy and cal-mag supplementation. :smoking:
