New Grower Dinafem Auto Amnesia, MarsHydro Reflector grow.

Water/Growth observations. Checked this morning and Amnesia #1 has only gained 1/2" overnight. Both 1 and 2 were ready for watering this morning. #1 received 1L at same fert levels noted previously, #2 received 750ml at the same strength. #2 is getting bushier and has plenty of new growth, but is not really gaining in height yet. #2 is 20+ days above ground so should take off any day now. Critical 2.0 auto has not cracked yet so it stays in paper towels. So now we just wait for this evenings update.

Grow On
Day 26 Amnesia #1, day 13 Amnesia #2. Progressing just fine, and feeling comfortable with how things are going. Elsamurai, Great link and yes I had decided it was nute burn, just looking for confirmation. As a noob you tend to second guess most things, Kinda like when you have the first kid. By the 3rd grow I'll be like "oh yeah" and add water to the nute solution. Like TaNg has said elsewhere "push em until they show you it's too much, then back it off a touch and let em grow". So maybe I have em figured for the next solution. #1 is doing well and growing bigger and bushier every day, not so much in height but very bushy and lush. I am noticing some of the smaller leaves under the big fan leaves are wilting and wonder if this is simply due to being shaded by the fan leaves. They are still very green just wilted, or slightly limp. I have heard people mention tucking and just kind of assumed that they meant the fan leaves. Could someone explain this to me? Here are todays pics

Amnesia #1
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Amnesia #2
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Amnesia #2 is starting its growth spurt finally. And even though it is 15 days behind #1 I know it will catch up and be a great little plant. I will keep an eye on #1 and post more pics tomorrow if I still have a case of limp leaf.

Grow On

Beautiful plants! I love those fat leaves!
Thank You Pop. I have to admit that I am really enjoying this grow so far. #1 looks great, #2 is moving right along and soon I should have a critical 2.0 cracked and ready for dirt. I am trying to get past the initial learning curve as quickly as possible as I really need to begin producing some medical products for my wife who is currently following normal medical protocols for Multiple Myeloma. She has already done 3 rounds of chemotherapy, low dose, that worked extremely well at dramatically reducing the extent of the cancer in her system. Then came Stem Cell harvest, and a subsequent round of extremely high dose chemotherapy. (think, destroyed every dividing cell in her body, results in full hair loss, destroys existing immune system, etc...) and we are now 17 days after stem cell transplant. Her body has accepted her transplant and her blood tests show rebounding numbers every where we want rebounding numbers. So even if she is in "complete" remission, she will probably be on a maintenance regimen for years to come. There is evidence in clinical studies that show that CBD when taken in concert with her maintenance medication can aid in controlling this cancer. So, we will follow current medical protocols and add cbd on our end and see if this is the combination that works.

All that being said, sorry for the tangent there. I'm in this for the long haul apparently, so I may as well enjoy what I am doing as well. And there is so much to learn, and so many different strains, I can stay as busy as I want for some years to come. But I'm damn sure gonna need some more LED's.

Grow On.
playing with a different camera, so here are some pics of #1

Lighting sucks but I'll get the hang of this camera. Enjoy
hey tag im really sorry to hear about your wife brotha. I hope and pray for the best for both of you. man!! I have no idea why you think im killin it. yours lookin better than mine your creating a monster man.. about your lights and heat though. 84 is not gonna hurt em at all for a few hours a day. and light color matters but ultimately the more the better.. keep doin what your doin man.. like I said yours lookin better than mine.
Thank you Faded. And Thank You for the prayers for my wife. We are looking at long term survival with the inclusion of the CBD's in concert with the maintenance chemo drugs she will be on. Long Term survival percentages are pretty low with her cancer so anything we can do to add more time is well worth the risk and effort. If you noticed my new pic, it was the dog that got me in the first place. Your Avatar appears to be a pitbull mix, and anyone that has a pit in their life is cool with me.

As far as the grow is concerned. I am always looking at what changes could be made and what would the benefit be. Today, due to Heat, i moved some things around again. Since #1 is still growing in height, I wanted to lift the light again. This would then require a raise for #2 since it is like 16" shorter than #1. SSSoooo,
I have removed the 2 CFL's that I had providing supplemental lighting for #2, and placed #2 on an inverted 5gal bucket. This places #2 at a much more beneficial distance from the LED(approx 12" to 14"), I re-purposed one of the CFL fixtures with a 2700K 23w cfl ( to match the fixture already in use) to give #1 additional side lighting as her buds begin to swell. So overall I reduced the number of heat producing cfl's by 1, and gave Amnesia #2 a better position under the LED. Now I just wish it wasn't so damn nice outside. Feb is not supposed to be this warm, and I really am trying not to have to turn on the AC units. All we can do is listen to the silence that surrounds our plants and give them what they scream for.

Grow On
Haha im doin the same thing bro. Plants on buckets to all stay at the right distances from led. Yep. I love pitts. Im actually changing my avatar to my other paw tner tomorrow!.
Lovely looking dogs guys..oh and plant too tag :-) Godspeed with your wife's battle brother :peace:
Haha im doin the same thing bro. Plants on buckets to all stay at the right distances from led. Yep. I love pitts. Im actually changing my avatar to my other paw tner tomorrow!.

Here are both of my pawtners in their natural state.
lori pics 043.jpg
That boy owns that couch huh? I can tell he got some awesome personality by the way he lay. My other boy lays just like that. Feet up all in my