New Grower Dinafem Auto Amnesia, MarsHydro Reflector grow.

Alright, I must apologize here for the sin of bragging which I am about to commit. Although it may not be what you think. As I said in my last update, I am really stoked about the way Amnesia #1 is progressing. Today is day 32 for #1 and she hit 14+" this morning, and simply looks amazing to me. She is filling out nicely as far as structure is concerned and the buds are slowly forming and giving me a hint of what is coming. The color is a healthy dark green and she even has some 9 lobed fan leaves.( big healthy looking leaves) Last year I would not have believed that I would be growing this. And #2 is just kicking into its growth spurt, so soon I will have 2 lovely plants to look at each day. The kicker is, it is due to this website. I posted on someones thread a recommendation that they read, read , read. everything they needed to be successful was right here for the taking. And my success is proof of that recommendation. So my hat is tipped to all of you who have gone before, and put all this knowledge and experience out here for the rest of us to see and learn from. Great Job. These pics are of plants that you guys have helped me to grow. Thank You.

Amnesia #1
9 lobed fan leaf,(is this common)


Grow On
no need to apologize. most all the great grower's on AFN will say the same. great info and the coolest people on the planet are right here on AFN. looking good Tag. I'm the same way, couldn't have done as well without all the help I got here:d5:
Andi,the dinafem sour diesel is awesome! happy growing ;):Growing:
Now to weigh in on the 24/0, 20/4, 18/6, issue. I have read the various articles and threads concerning light and dark periods. I believe the articles that I have read concerning 24/0 have used sound logic. Especially the notion that marijuana is in a class of plants that allows it to continually produce energy from sunlight(lighting) and constantly be "on" so to speak. I have seen this personally each winter when I place my true "Tropical" heliconia and ginger plants indoors and under 24hrs of fluorescent lighting. They appear to do great through the winter and are ready to explode in the spring when I place them back in the "wild" (outdoors). So I had toyed with running this grow on 24/0, but after a couple of weeks I shifted down to 20/4. The last few days as Amnesia #1 is stretching, I have been checking it at roughly 12 hour intervals for size. The last couple of days The initial measure each morning (just after lights on) is when I see the most dramatic growth. Last night for example, I measured the plant at approx 10:00pm and she stood at 14.5", this morning however at 8:30am she is sitting at 16+" . 24hrs ago it was at 14+" and had not really gained in size in the previous 24hr period. So as of right now I am seeing an every other day growth spurt, coinciding with watering days. I am feeding her approx 1L of fert water every other day and may actually need to increase this by another 1/2L to ensure she is satisfied. I may also start to introduce flowering nutes even though she is still in stretch. Just weak addition to what she is already getting. What say you all?
Just a quick update on my watering/growth correlation observations. So I checked Amnesia#1 last night at approx 8:00pm. Height was 16.5" and soil was dry and ready for watering. I watered with 1L of fertilized water as follows, 6ml biothrive gro, 3ml bioroot, 3ml CaMg+, 3ml bioweed, added to 1.75L of aerated water. Then I individual added to the 1L, 2ml biomarine, and 2ml biobud. The remaining .75L was given to Amnesia #2.
This morning, I checked and Amnesia #1 is now at 17.5+" in height. So I will continue to chronicle the upward growth until stall and then the flip to complete bloom nutes.

I have also raised the LED again to attempt to maintain a 12" (approx) distance between #1 and the light
PIC day. Its been 3 days since the last pics and everything is growing nicely. Still so stoked about the way amnesia#1 is coming along. I have also placed a Dinafem Critical 2.0 auto between paper towels and onto the cable box. I'm feeling rather FADED like with beans starting again lol. now some pics.

Amnesia#1 (10 days ago for comparison)

Amnesia#1 today

A couple of bud shots from #1

Amnesia #2

And the grow space

Also forgot to mention that I have gone ahead and cranked on the bloom spectrum as well. So with the Reflector series the entire light is now lit.

Grow On
looking good Tag. I heard the Faded fever is going around lol
Just another note in the water/growth correlation observations. Checked #1 this morning and plant has stretched to 18.5" in height. Also felt upper 2-3 inches of soil, Dry, so I gave 500ml of fert water. Weather has been warm again and therefore room has been running warmer, but all within acceptable limits. Plant still looks healthy and has a great green color, no deficiencies apparent so I am pleased.

Grow On
Quick update. Since I am keeping such a close eye on growth, I have been checking plants every 12hrs. At the evening check #1 is now 19.5", a gain of another inch in the last 12hr period. As I mentioned is the last update, temps have been creeping up outside and hence also in my grow. I registered a high of 84f in the room today, which I don't feel is an issue but if it goes much higher I will need to take action. But I have to wonder if the growth I experienced today is due in part to the increased temp? Should I maintain a slightly elevated temp to facilitate accelerated/additional growth? Would it be beneficial to the final tally? What say you folks? Many of you have more hands on than I and I could benefit from the insights you have already gained.

Or is this a result of the increased light from the LED since it has been in "Bloom" mode for 2 days now. The result of natural stretch in response to the increase in "red" light., And will this adversely affect #2 which is solidly in full veg mode and putting on size, will I experience longer node lengths or anything else that I should be aware of? I would think that I would be alright since many lights are full spectrum anyways.
Grow On
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