New Grower Dinafem Auto Amnesia, MarsHydro Reflector grow.

Update time again. Well picture time again. I love the way these plants just explode when they decide its time to grow. Amnesia #1 is on a tear and is finally on the path I had hoped it would take. It is now 20 days old and finally showing some accelerated growth. 3 days ago it was 2 1/2" t x 5" wide, this morning it is 3 1/2"+ t x 10+" wide. I will give overheads from 3 days ago, yesterday and today for comparison.
amnesia#1 008.jpg
ledgrow#1 002.jpg
ledgrow#1 006.jpg
ledgrow#1 007.jpg
ledgrow#1 004.jpg

So as you can see, BANG here we grow. Amnesia#1 has been fed twice (500 ml each time) of the fert mix listed in my previous post. It has been several days since the last watering and will probably not water today either. Letting the pot dry out, then I will make a new mix and up the fert levels as well as the CaMg+. So far, the plant seems to love what she's been fed with out any issues so I will increase fert levels and cut her loose. Any suggestions or observations would be appreciated.

One other issue I forgot to mention. Everything I have read says that the Dinafem Amnesia auto is Sativa based, yet these pics sure look indica based to me. Maybe an odd pheno? Or will this grow out of this phase?
DAY 22 Amnesia #1, day 11 for Amnesia #2. #1 has been growing along nicely, it has gained 2 inches in height in the last 48hrs and 2 more inches in width, and the side branching and plant structure look to be building nicely. I have been watering to runoff every other day with somewhere between 500ml and 750ml of aerated fertilized water on #1. Amnesia #2 received about 250ml of the same water as #1 but cut to 1/2 strength today. #2 is still in its learning to crawl stage and has not begun growing in earnest yet. I am hoping that the reduced fert watering will kick it in gear.
Amnesia #1
ledgrow1 005.jpg
ledgrow1 006.jpg
ledgrow1 007.jpg
Amnesia #2
ledgrow1 008.jpg

I believe I have also found a plausible answer to my previous question concerning the indica appearance. While reading through TaNg's current grow, I read mention from TaNg that some Sativa's will appear as indica in early life and eventually grows into its sativa appearance. So I am hoping that this is the trick and I just have to wait it out. Any insights or observations concerning this grow so far would be welcomed and appreciated.

Grow on
plant's are looking great! all 3 of the plant's I've been growing are sativa dominant hybrid's so they do have indica genes in them. all have started out looking indicaish at first. when they get taller is when I've seen the leave's thin out and get longer like a sativa. I went thru the same thing as I prefer sativa strain's myself. hope that helped :)
Thank you Elsamurai. I keep picking up all kinds of interesting little factoids as I read through the threads here. Like great job on the beercan grow, and nice link to the sts thread. thank you.
Day 24 for Amnesia #1, Day 13 for Amnesia #2. Not much to report except that both plants are still packing on size,(maybe not as quickly for #1, and #2 is slowly beginning to accelerate). I did notice yesterday that Amnesia#1 has a few leaves with white tips, which I believe you can see if you really look at the pics. I am calling it Nute burn, but if you think differently please let me know. Beyond that the color and consistency on the rest of the leaves look really good, a nice dark shade of solid green. #2 is looking funky but is looking just like #1 did early on, so I will just wait for it to grow past this. I have been waiting for sex on #1, but have not seen it yet, should be any day now though. Enough of this, on to the pics
Amnesia #1
Amnesia #2


Grow On
Day 26 Amnesia #1, day 13 Amnesia #2. Progressing just fine, and feeling comfortable with how things are going. Elsamurai, Great link and yes I had decided it was nute burn, just looking for confirmation. As a noob you tend to second guess most things, Kinda like when you have the first kid. By the 3rd grow I'll be like "oh yeah" and add water to the nute solution. Like TaNg has said elsewhere "push em until they show you it's too much, then back it off a touch and let em grow". So maybe I have em figured for the next solution. #1 is doing well and growing bigger and bushier every day, not so much in height but very bushy and lush. I am noticing some of the smaller leaves under the big fan leaves are wilting and wonder if this is simply due to being shaded by the fan leaves. They are still very green just wilted, or slightly limp. I have heard people mention tucking and just kind of assumed that they meant the fan leaves. Could someone explain this to me? Here are todays pics

Amnesia #1

Amnesia #2

Amnesia #2 is starting its growth spurt finally. And even though it is 15 days behind #1 I know it will catch up and be a great little plant. I will keep an eye on #1 and post more pics tomorrow if I still have a case of limp leaf.

Grow On
tucking leave's is just gently tucking the larger leave's behind the smaller growth so it get's more light to the under growth
That's what I figured, but never hurts to ask. I had also shut down 2 100w cfls which I had been using as side lighting, due to the increased temps in my neck of the woods. I went ahead and reapplied 1 of those cfl's as side lighting to see if that would be help with the limp leaf. I have finally had a night out (first time in 3 1/2 weeks of taking care of my wife) so haven't been up to check on my plants, I will give an update tomorrow.

Grow On