New Grower Dinafem Auto Amnesia, MarsHydro Reflector grow.

Day 75 and I gave her a good prechop cleaning and grooming. Since I have a cruise to enjoy for a week I need to get this into dry soon. Tonight she sits in darkness tomorrow I believe I will cut her and hang her whole to begin drying. Pics, I'll try to get a few more(better) before cutting.

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Thank you Elsamarai. #2 only got to like 21" tall but she was 24" wide. I chopped her this morning, and it really is gratifying to need the hedge trimmer shears to lop one down. I did not take a wet weight, just flipped her and hung her under the now dark led that grew her. I'll leave her for a day, maybe 2 then finish the trim and break her down for bagging. Then its off to the jars to begin a mellowing.
Update: I let her hang for 24 hrs to begin the drying then finished the trim and took the buds off the stems. Trimmed down with a day of drying I had 245g. So that should leave me between 2 and 3 ozs when its time for jars which should be tomorrow. Jars with Boveda 62s and some relaxation time. My wife and I have wacked the buds from Amnesia #1. Now that we have the NO2 Vaporiser I have really been enjoying my first foray back into the wild world of weed. I am truly amazed at the buzz I get from these buds I grew. And this is just the beginning. I have dragons to grow, and cbd meds, and sweets red family, and bubblegums, and berries and lions and tigers and bears oh my. The next week will be a quiet one, just taking some down time to redo the grow room a little, then a 7 day cruise the week after. Then I begin the next round.

Final update, Stardate: the end. Amnesia #2 is resting in bottles and I am in good shape. The final tally is 93g dry at 62% rh. A quarter pounder. I haven't purchased weed in 30+ years, so I have never really experienced the outrageous prices that I have read about. I think the last price I remember paying was like $40 a lid. I know I have more than that in this initial grow, but I'll recover my investment soon enough with the next few grows. I think I'm hooked!!!!!