Nutrients Dichoti’s Combo test

Would you consider a different water source? That's very hard water, tends to drive pH and resist lowering,... everything will work better with less hard water mate, maybe blend it with low ppm water to about half that ppm value... do you have self fill water machines nearby? that's the economical way to do this unless you go with a small home RO unit,...
Would you consider a different water source? That's very hard water, tends to drive pH and resist lowering,... everything will work better with less hard water mate, maybe blend it with low ppm water to about half that ppm value... do you have self fill water machines nearby? that's the economical way to do this unless you go with a small home RO unit,...
I’ve been looking into an RO unit, But decided to wait for Now. Finances aren’t exactly prime enough for me to buy much more than a new set of bass strings at the moment.
Ph was at 6.66 this morning.
I mean, as a metalhead, I have no complaints.
As a gardener, I’m slightly concerned, but, with it near the acceptable range, it should only take a few minutes to get it down where it needs to be.
PH of the water in the tank was 7.39 just now, and everything is slimy...
PPM seems to show an equal amount of hunger and thirst.
The girls consumed a little over two gallons of waters since I added the last 5 gallons.
The plants aren’t showing any signs of ph related sickness, so hopefully I just caught it, and I hope the hydro guard helps with the slime issue.

I’ve got a water pump in the Res to circulate and aerate the water, btw.
@Dichoti if your having a res issue with something “slimy” growing in it then there are some things that you can do with the nutrient mix to help. Algae or bacteria in a reservoir can consume some of the components used in nutrients like kelp, fulvic and other organic acids, aminos etc. if your having an issue and want to cut out sources of food for these microbes living in your reservoir you can use prescription blend as a 3 part mix with Core A/B + Big “Data”. This will leave out a lot of beneficial supplements but it will make it easier to get a slimy res under control.
@Dichoti if your having a res issue with something “slimy” growing in it then there are some things that you can do with the nutrient mix to help. Algae or bacteria in a reservoir can consume some of the components used in nutrients like kelp, fulvic and other organic acids, aminos etc. if your having an issue and want to cut out sources of food for these microbes living in your reservoir you can use prescription blend as a 3 part mix with Core A/B + Big “Data”. This will leave out a lot of beneficial supplements but it will make it easier to get a slimy res under control.
My plants weren’t to worried about it, So I’m not either at this point. I will tell you what though, That hydroguard must be doing something in there, because this is the first time I’ve had to worry about the PH in my res. Even with hard water, the PH usually evens out at 5.9 -6.3 after 24 hours. Pretty sure it has something to do with the slime and or hydroguard.
As long as it isn’t killing my plants, I’m not going to worry about it a whole lot, honestly. I follow what my plants are telling me more than I do anything else, And they’re happy... so I’m happy too.
I missed my Sunday update due to a hangover from Saturday’s band practice and bbq.... But... Rez was emptied, cleaned, and filled with the “flower” formula... which is basically just the last week of veg on the chart with one thing added.
I can smell the (unrelated) Stardawg THROUGH my tent, So I’ve been avoiding keeping my tent open for more than a few seconds at a time, But I’ll get a pic of the two Gelatos that are loving their autopot fed prescription blend later on today.

Okay... They hit flower and blew up. First time in a long time I’ve opened my tent and said “Holy Crap.”
ignore the Stardawg‘s ugly leaves, She’s coming down Sunday.
These two just keep getting bigger and bigger...and I’m not complaining at all @Fast Buds Heather there was a bit of an abnormality on the plant on the right, that was almost like it topped itself. You can’t really tell from the pic, but the plant on the left is super branchy, if that makes sense.

Res is getting refilled later on today, because it appears that the two have consumed about 5 gallons out of the 7 I had in the res.

At some point today, I’m going to move the two girls to the middle of the tent, centered Under the 4 autocob.
These two have consumed almost all of the 5 gallons I put in the res on Sunday. The branchy one on the left looks like she could take up the whole tent if I’d train her.

Right now, where they are in the tent, they’re taking up Something like 2.5’x 4’ space. I’m going to move them around a little, and get them centered in the tent this evening when I refill the res. I was going to do last time, but forgot.
The daily growth on these two is amazing.

@Fast Buds Heather Should put a disclaimer on the pack of gelato seeds that says something like “Only grow ONE at a time when growing in autopots in a space 4x4 or smaller”

...and I just realized I said I was going to use @RotBlock for this grow, But have completely forgotten where I put the container...