I found that my Pro-mix HP in pot pH was tanking to 5.4-5.7 by early flowering when I was pHing my feed to 5.8-6. These last ones I'm doing a test where I added about 1/4 cup Dolomitic lime to each pot and have been keeping my feed at around 6.3ish. In pot ph has been in the 6.3-6.6 range so it's helped, but I may have over-corrected. My next batch that just popped I reduced the dolomitic lime and we'll see how that goes.
I also may need to up my ppms as you mentioned, I fed at 4 g/gal which is supposed to be (according to their calculator) 555ppms but I was measuring about 550 (with 70ppm base). I also keep looking at my kelp, sweet candy, and bud explosion and think I should be using them, but as you've mentioned before, MC doesn't necessarily need it.