Grow Mediums DCAT attempts DWC with Mephisto hubbabubbasmelloscope

I reckon it's gonna be the best chance of survival mate, that heat and damaged roots, direct sunlight looks like it BBQing the plants.

Try it and see what happens bud. She'll still be in daylight, from what you say the weather's doing tho, it could be a bit extreme. The pot's probs getting red hot too.

Alright I'll move her at lunch and see what happens in the next few days.
It's gotta be worth a try mate. I'm thinking of the times when I've taken cuttings of photoperiod plants, they've always fried under the HPS but rooted nicely under a CFL or on a windowsill.

Same shit on a different scale? [emoji848]
Well the pics are crap...crap I tell ya but it's the best I could do for the time. Hopefully you can see something, anything.

This was before moving to shade. They are now in shade except for probably after 4-5 pm - was the best I could do.
Ok so I've moved the bucket to the shade. Won't have 100% shade as I don't have anywhere in my yard where she'll have that but probably 70-80% during the day until about 5 then total shade. She won't get sun until probably 12-1 so hopefully that will help calm her down.