Grow Mediums DCAT attempts DWC with Mephisto hubbabubbasmelloscope

I feel your pain Cat! Ya start going cross eyed after a few hours eh? Then when you think you're free to sleep it's eyes shut and all you can see is weed! [emoji51]
PTSD - Pot Trimatic Scissor Disorder
Ok so I just finished the final trimming..finished a little more than I thought. Final tally is.....

1968 grams [emoji869][emoji869]

Damn that's a lot of weed!! All in the racks for initial dry before going into jars in a few days.
Stupid ass me didn't get final pics of the last 200 grams...however I will get pics before I add it to the jars..
Here are the final pics I got before chop and the remnants of the stalk.

@derek420colorado if you log on...good call man. I had my doubts but not anymore.

So I thought I'd give a little wrap up of what I did with this if anyone cares to know. It was nothing special at all but here is what I used during this grow.

4x4 tent from Amazon...not brand name but seems to work well
600 watt Mars Hydro old style led
600 watt Sunspect LED from eBay
5 gallon DWC setup from Amazon
2 small 6" fans and one 10" oscillating fan..
For feeding I used @TaNg easy feed schedule (search the forums if you haven't seen it). They say it's ph perfect but I still used earth juice crystals ph down just because.

Also used Humboldt Secret Golden Tree. They say 2ml per gallon but I never went over 4 ml per 5gallon bucket. It makes the roots dark so it can be a bit intimidating to see.
Mammoth P about half the grow.. .6 ml per gallon but never went full strength
Cal/mag about 9ml per bucket
Hydroguard at about 8-9 ml per bucket.

She started drinking fairly heavy about half way through and was taking 5 gallon bucket every 2 days.

I never did a res change on this girl so I'm sure I'll have a ton of crap in the bucket when I get a chance to clean it out. Next run I'm going to do res changes to keep it a bit cleaner.

Hope this helps someone down the road.

Thanks 4 sharing, im stunned this wasin 5gal bucket...thought you had a way bigger pot-pot...was your marshydro one of these?
So yours isnt available anymore (!?) and this is the "same" specs/W or better, did i get it right?
Man I am far from expert. This is maybe my 4th grow ever so I'd call it more beginners luck than anything. Luckily there are guys like you here willing to help out.
Forgive me for digging up and old thread but finding this thread has been a blessing. @dcat0921 and @TaNg, major, major hat tip to both of you guys. TaNg for the simple schedule and dcat for giving me the confidence that TaNg's schedule will actually work in the DWC that I started last week. I've revised the schedule just a little bit using nothing but AN products. Prior to finding this thread, I wasn't too optimistic and was starting to get a little discouraged. I'm only on page 58 of 133 pages of this thread but now I confidently feel that this is something that I can do. Once again, thanks to both of you and all of you good people out there in AFN World!