Grow Mediums DCAT attempts DWC with Mephisto hubbabubbasmelloscope

Oh and @Vlad The Inhaler totally not a shot at you or anything, there are lots of folks here that believe in the church of the defol, I just am not one of them lol. I have a botany background and my science says don't do it. Some folks have anecdotal evidence to the contrary and therefore this is a highly debated topic.
Yeah but.... If a plant is struggling and some of the leaves are beyond repair.. Y'know what I'm saying.. [emoji6]

Oh yeah I mean if they are yellow and brown and just barely hangin on I will pluck those off, but my rule is if it is green let it be
Oh yeah I mean if they are yellow and brown and just barely hangin on I will pluck those off, but my rule is if it is green let it be

Some are still a bit green but super curled and crispy. I have pulled some dead yellow ones but trying to let it pull itself out of it. The 106 degree heat probably ain't helping but not much i can do about that besides keep her wet...
I'll get some new pics at lunch...
Some are still a bit green but super curled and crispy. I have pulled some dead yellow ones but trying to let it pull itself out of it. The 106 degree heat probably ain't helping but not much i can do about that besides keep her wet...
I'll get some new pics at lunch...

It might help to put her in the shade for a few days too Cat.. Til the roots can cope with the evaporation from the leaves. [emoji111]️
Think it's too late for me to do this or should I put her in the shade still?

I reckon it's gonna be the best chance of survival mate, that heat and damaged roots, direct sunlight looks like it BBQing the plants.

Try it and see what happens bud. She'll still be in daylight, from what you say the weather's doing tho, it could be a bit extreme. The pot's probs getting red hot too.