Grow Mediums DCAT attempts DWC with Mephisto hubbabubbasmelloscope

Yeah that's transplant shock alright! Must have chopped a whack of roots in the digging up of the plant. If you have a root enhancer that would be a good place to start. Hard to say how long it will take to recover. I had to do an emergency relocation before many years ago and some plants took it okay, but I did lose a few. Hard to say what will happen. Sorry man, not much help I know.
Yeah that's transplant shock alright! Must have chopped a whack of roots in the digging up of the plant. If you have a root enhancer that would be a good place to start. Hard to say how long it will take to recover. I had to do an emergency relocation before many years ago and some plants took it okay, but I did lose a few. Hard to say what will happen. Sorry man, not much help I know.

No worries man any words of encouragement help me chill. I have some root stuff from AN - voodoo juice I believe - been using it every feed so hopefully it helps.
Thanks for looking...always appreciated [emoji106]
That's why I stick around - all the help from everyone is a huge bonus!!
Update pics of my latest dwc bush..51 days old. She's getting fuller every day. Should start filling out her bud sites before long - she's got enough of them so she'd better get busy.

It's tough to get decent pics when she takes up the whole damn tent...but I'm really not complaining [emoji39]
Hey Cat!

Hubba's looking way better than the last one, better overall shape and not so spindly. [emoji1360]

The outdoor ones, it might help if you remove all the really crispy (beyond repair) leaves to give the rest of the plants more energy to keep the good bits alive..

What does everyone else think about that? (Makes sense to me[emoji2])
Hey Cat!

Hubba's looking way better than the last one, better overall shape and not so spindly. [emoji1360]

The outdoor ones, it might help if you remove all the really crispy (beyond repair) leaves to give the rest of the plants more energy to keep the good bits alive..

What does everyone else think about that? (Makes sense to me[emoji2])

I know the title says hubbabubbasmelloscope but this one is actually an SODK X last one was in soil and I didn't treat her well so I wanted another shot. But yeah she's a fat bushy bitch..
I thought about removing some of the crispy ones but I'll wait for those who know better to answer...some of her is coming back pretty well so I'm thinking she may come back...
Hey Cat!

Hubba's looking way better than the last one, better overall shape and not so spindly. [emoji1360]

The outdoor ones, it might help if you remove all the really crispy (beyond repair) leaves to give the rest of the plants more energy to keep the good bits alive..

What does everyone else think about that? (Makes sense to me[emoji2])

Nope I don't do it, I am in the minority but I don't defoliate anything really ever, if they are still green leave em on bro they are still producing photosynthesis and the whole but about giving the plant more energy in my opinion is garbage they plant uses photosynthesis to grow, plain and simple why would you want to take any of the material that produces the photosynthesis off. Again this is just my opinion and others feel differently, that is ok too.