Indoor db003's - PPP auto grow in super soil - 2x4 growlab gl80l tent - 600w MH/HPS

time for me to brew some compost tea!

just getting a head start on my compost tea/worm castings tea so I can give it to my plants in a few days I will let this bubble for 48 hours this time.

to this batch I added as followed.

2 cups bu's blend bio-dynamic compost from Malibu compost
2 cups worm castings
2 tablespoons of solution grade fish powder from down to earth
2 tablespoons of insect frass
1 tablespoon of grandma's unsulphured molasses

the water I used was plain carbon filtered tap water (filtered water not R/O water) it was ph. to 6.4 with a mix of citric acid crystals (natural ph. down) and ascorbic acid powder and sodium ascorbic powder (both are vitamin C powders) that I use as ph. down and a dechlorinator and was bubbled for 24+ hours before I used it

db003 presents another update

I had to make a tough choice today my 2 smallest plants were getting swallowed up by my thick canopy and were not getting much light and seam to be growing slowly

so I had a choice of killing them and attempting to recycle the soil they were in and mix it with the super soil I intended to mix up I don't normally recycle my soil but if there small there will still be a lot of life in the soil still but instead I will still give them another shot at life

I took the 2 plants and put them in my closet after I pushed all my clothes to the back lol with one of my old mars II 700 led panels and turned on the 4 inch exhaust fan on low with a fan speed controller luckily I still had most of it still set up

I will let them go for a few weeks and see how the grow if they stay stunted them I will just pull them but I am hoping it does not come to that there is no sense in wasting electricity for a few stunted plants

for some good news since the 2 small plants were taken out of the tent my 6 large plants have more room to grow they were getting real packed so it a win win I guess now they have a little more room

I also did some lollipopping on all the plants in the tent I took some before and after picks of the lollipopping

time for a update on my puff puff pass genetics auto grow in super soil!

just gave all these girls a watering with a compost/worm castings tea that I brewed for 48 hours I split about 4 gallons between all the plants in the tent the 2 plants I took out and put in the closet got plain water

to this batch of compost/worm castings tea I added as followed.

2 cups bu's blend bio-dynamic compost from Malibu compost
2 cups worm castings
2 tablespoons of solution grade fish powder from down to earth
2 tablespoons of insect frass
1 tablespoon of grandma's unsulphured molasses

the water I used was plain carbon filtered tap water (filtered water not R/O water) it was ph. to 6.2 with a mix of citric acid crystals (natural ph. down) and ascorbic acid powder and sodium ascorbic powder (both are vitamin C powders) that I use as ph. down and a dechlorinator and was bubbled for 24+ hours

all my PPP autos are in day [HASHTAG]#39[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the 2x smaller autos are in day [HASHTAG]#26[/HASHTAG] from sprout

just in case anyone was wondering what autoflower strains I am growing in this grow they are

2x Glueberry Express Autoflower (Glueberry OG x Pineapple Express) x Auto#1 from Puff Puff Pass cultivators
2x Silverback Autoflower (Gorilla Glue x White Widow) x Auto#3 from Puff Puff Pass cultivators
2x GG x OG its a unreleased strain from Puff Puff Pass cultivators

the 2x smaller autos are

1x blackberry kush auto from Dutch passion
1x dark devil auto from sweet seeds

just in case anyone was wondering what autoflower strains I am growing in this grow they are

2x Glueberry Express Autoflower (Glueberry OG x Pineapple Express) x Auto#1 from Puff Puff Pass cultivators
2x Silverback Autoflower (Gorilla Glue x White Widow) x Auto#3 from Puff Puff Pass cultivators
2x GG x OG its a unreleased strain from Puff Puff Pass cultivators

the 2x smaller autos are

1x blackberry kush auto from Dutch passion
1x dark devil auto from sweet seeds

looks like Christmas came early for db003!

I was surprised when the mailman brought me a package I was not expecting if you cant guess what it was yet... I got my Pulse nano! so I made a unboxing video and got it all set up for now since my lights were off I will play with it some more when the light comes on a bit later.

this is a device that I will be testing for pulse labs and the autoflower network its called the "pulse nano" from pulse it is a grow room environment monitor that measures temperature, humidity, vapor pressure deficit and light levels and sends them over WiFi wirelessly to all my devices using the pulse app

I already got my first screen shots of the pulse nano in action.

Screenshot-2017-12-22 Pulse App.png
Screenshot-2017-12-22 Pulse App(1).png
time for a update on my puff puff pass genetics auto grow in super soil!

lets see I did a few things to the plants today first I removed a healthy stack of large fan leaves from all the PPP auto plants in the tent next I installed my HPS bulb I also moved the the pulse nano a bit so that the light senor was facing the center of the tent a bit more

I am still not sure on the 2 autos I put in the closet with the led panel that now has some of the led's out again man I hate led now lol but I wont let it get me down I think they might be stunted but only time will tell

just gave all these girls a watering with plain water I split about 5 gallons between all the plants

the water I used was plain carbon filtered tap water (filtered water not R/O water) it was ph. to 6.2 with a mix of citric acid crystals (natural ph. down) and ascorbic acid powder and sodium ascorbic powder (both are vitamin C powders) that I use as ph. down and a dechlorinator and was bubbled for 24+ hours

all my PPP autos are in day [HASHTAG]#42[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the 2x smaller autos are in day [HASHTAG]#29[/HASHTAG] from sprout

just in case anyone was wondering what autoflower strains I am growing in this grow they are

2x Glueberry Express Autoflower (Glueberry OG x Pineapple Express) x Auto#1 from Puff Puff Pass cultivators
2x Silverback Autoflower (Gorilla Glue x White Widow) x Auto#3 from Puff Puff Pass cultivators
2x GG x OG its a unreleased strain from Puff Puff Pass cultivators

the 2x smaller autos in the closet are

1x blackberry kush auto from Dutch passion
1x dark devil auto from sweet seeds

Screenshot-2017-12-23 Pulse App(1).png
Screenshot-2017-12-23 Pulse App.png
time for a update on my puff puff pass genetics auto grow in super soil!

I just gave all these girls a watering with plain water I split about 5 gallons between all the plants

the water I used was plain carbon filtered tap water (filtered water not R/O water) it was ph. to 6.2 with a mix of citric acid crystals (natural ph. down) and ascorbic acid powder and sodium ascorbic powder (both are vitamin C powders) that I use as ph. down and a dechlorinator and was bubbled for 24+ hours

all my PPP autos are in day [HASHTAG]#45[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the 2x smaller autos are in day [HASHTAG]#32[/HASHTAG] from sprout

just in case anyone was wondering what autoflower strains I am growing in this grow they are

2x Glueberry Express Autoflower (Glueberry OG x Pineapple Express) x Auto#1 from Puff Puff Pass cultivators
2x Silverback Autoflower (Gorilla Glue x White Widow) x Auto#3 from Puff Puff Pass cultivators
2x GG x OG its a unreleased strain from Puff Puff Pass cultivators

the 2x smaller autos in the closet under the led are

1x blackberry kush auto from Dutch passion
1x dark devil auto from sweet seeds

Screenshot-2017-12-26 Pulse App(1).png
Screenshot-2017-12-26 Pulse App(2).png
Screenshot-2017-12-26 Pulse App.png
hello my fellow growers I took some pics of my auto plants in super soil from puff puff pass cultivar seeds right before my lights came on in the tent to get a good idea how how they are looking

they all look great even the soil life looks great except one plant it has started to get brown spots on a few of the fan leaves not sure what it is

I could use some advice these plants are in day [HASHTAG]#47[/HASHTAG] from sprout has anyone seen this problem before

the pics of the brown looking spots in question are in the last 2 pics

time for a update on my puff puff pass genetics auto grow in super soil!

just gave all these girls a watering with a corn seed sprout tea with aloe Vera powder and coconut water powder and some npk raw powdered silica I split about 5 gallons between all the plants

2.oz organic corn seed that was soaked and sprouted
1 tsp aloe Vera powder
1 tsp coconut water powder
1 tsp npk raw powdered silica

my plants got tall this time so I jacked the light as high as it could possibly go I just used the hooks on the reflector to hag it with no racket ropes so that gave me about 6 more inches

I also top dress one of my plants with some roots organics elemental powdered cal mag its was the plant that had the brown spots I used 1 tablespoon to top dress it before I watered

the water I used was plain carbon filtered tap water (filtered water not R/O water) it was ph. to 6.2 with a mix of citric acid crystals (natural ph. down) and ascorbic acid powder and sodium ascorbic powder (both are vitamin C powders) that I use as ph. down and a dechlorinator and was bubbled for 24+ hours

all my PPP autos in the tent are in day [HASHTAG]#48[/HASHTAG] from sprout and the 2x autos in the closet are in day [HASHTAG]#35[/HASHTAG] from sprout

just in case anyone was wondering what autoflower strains I am growing in this grow they are

2x Glueberry Express Autoflower (Glueberry OG x Pineapple Express) x Auto#1 from Puff Puff Pass cultivators
2x Silverback Autoflower (Gorilla Glue x White Widow) x Auto#3 from Puff Puff Pass cultivators
2x GG x OG its a unreleased strain from Puff Puff Pass cultivators

the 2x autos in the closet under the led are

1x blackberry kush auto from Dutch passion
1x dark devil auto from sweet seeds
