time for a update on my plants that I am mainlining I just gave these plants some water I made 2.5 gallons of water it had 1 teaspoon of floranova bloom and 1 teaspoon of roots organic hpk bloom booster and 1 teaspoon of roots organic hp2 bloom booster and 1/2 of a tablespoon of roots organic elemental dry Cal mag one tablespoon of terpinator and 10ml of mammoth p microbes for all 2.5 gallons it was ph. to 5.9 and split it between all the plants in coco
the roots organic elemental dry Cal mag was mixed with a bit of water and added first before the other nutes I made 2.5 gallons and it was still to much water my next watering I will make only 2 gallons
the blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil and roots organic soil got plain water with one teaspoon of grandma's unsulphured molasses and one teaspoon of mammoth p micros that was ph. with citric acid powder it was ph. to 6.4 it got about a quarter gallon of water
the top half of the blueberry headband is not dead and pointing towards the light lol so that's cool I was a bit worried after the accidental super cropping 2 days ago but it looks fine so that's great
these plants are in day [HASHTAG]#31[/HASHTAG] of flower
the plants in this grow are
1x big Buddha Cheesus in coco that is mainlined
1x big Buddha Cheesus clone in coco
1x barneys farm Tangerine Dream in coco that is mainlined
1x dna genetics Sharks breath in coco that is mainlined
1x emerald triangle blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil