time for a update on my plants that I am mainlining I just gave these plants some water I made 3 gallons of water it had 1 teaspoon of floranova bloom and 1 teaspoon of roots organic hp2 bloom booster and 10.ml of mammoth microbes for all 3 gallons it was ph. to 5.9 and split it between all the plants in coco
the blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil and roots organic soil got plain water that was ph. with citric acid powder it was ph. to 6.5 it got about a half gallon of water
the Tangerine Dream that got mainlined and the blueberry headband got taller then the other plants so I super cropped them since I am only in day 17 of flower I super cropped 7 out of the 8 tops on the Tangerine Dream and I only super cropped the only main top it had on the blueberry headband I bent about the top 6 inches on each one
they are just about even with all the other plants now and I am pretty sure they will bounce back like nothing I know it not the best to super crop in flower but I did not want to raise my light if the plants got any taller since that would take away light from the other plants so I did it anyway
I also did some Lollipopping on the plants mostly the clone and the blueberry headband and the ones that got mainlined were ok from the mainline training I just need to clean the dead leaves that were at the bottom of the plants that were not getting as much light and were falling off or dried up
these plants are in day [HASHTAG]#17[/HASHTAG] of flower
the plants in this grow are
1x big Buddha Cheesus in coco that is mainlined
1x big Buddha Cheesus clone in coco
1x barneys farm Tangerine Dream in coco that is mainlined
1x dna genetics Sharks breath in coco that is mainlined
1x emerald triangle blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil