Photoperiod Db003's - Mars Pro II 320 - photoperiod grow - Coco- Lucas Formula FNB - Closet Grow

the rest of the pics from this update

time for a update on my plants that I am mainlining I just gave these plants some water I made 3 gallons of water it had 1 teaspoon of floranova bloom and 1 teaspoon of roots organic hp2 bloom booster for all 3 gallons it was ph. to 5.9

the blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil and roots organic soil got plain water that was ph. with citric acid powder it was ph. to 6.5 it got about a quarter gallon

these plants are in day [HASHTAG]#13[/HASHTAG] of flower

the plants in this grow are

1x big Buddha Cheesus in coco that is mainlined
1x big Buddha Cheesus clone in coco
1x barneys farm Tangerine Dream in coco that is mainlined
1x dna genetics Sharks breath in coco that is mainlined
1x emerald triangle blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil

time for a update on my plants that I am mainlining I just gave these plants some water I made 3 gallons of water it had 1 teaspoon of floranova bloom and 1 teaspoon of roots organic hp2 bloom booster for all 3 gallons it was ph. to 5.9

the blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil and roots organic soil got plain water that was ph. with citric acid powder it was ph. to 6.5 it got about a quarter gallon

forgive me if the pics are crappy I am pretty wasted right now lol

these plants are in day [HASHTAG]#15[/HASHTAG] of flower

the plants in this grow are

1x big Buddha Cheesus in coco that is mainlined
1x big Buddha Cheesus clone in coco
1x barneys farm Tangerine Dream in coco that is mainlined
1x dna genetics Sharks breath in coco that is mainlined
1x emerald triangle blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil

time for a update on my plants that I am mainlining I just gave these plants some water I made 3 gallons of water it had 1 teaspoon of floranova bloom and 1 teaspoon of roots organic hp2 bloom booster and of mammoth microbes for all 3 gallons it was ph. to 5.9 and split it between all the plants in coco

the blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil and roots organic soil got plain water that was ph. with citric acid powder it was ph. to 6.5 it got about a half gallon of water

the Tangerine Dream that got mainlined and the blueberry headband got taller then the other plants so I super cropped them since I am only in day 17 of flower I super cropped 7 out of the 8 tops on the Tangerine Dream and I only super cropped the only main top it had on the blueberry headband I bent about the top 6 inches on each one

they are just about even with all the other plants now and I am pretty sure they will bounce back like nothing I know it not the best to super crop in flower but I did not want to raise my light if the plants got any taller since that would take away light from the other plants so I did it anyway

I also did some Lollipopping on the plants mostly the clone and the blueberry headband and the ones that got mainlined were ok from the mainline training I just need to clean the dead leaves that were at the bottom of the plants that were not getting as much light and were falling off or dried up

these plants are in day [HASHTAG]#17[/HASHTAG] of flower

the plants in this grow are

1x big Buddha Cheesus in coco that is mainlined
1x big Buddha Cheesus clone in coco
1x barneys farm Tangerine Dream in coco that is mainlined
1x dna genetics Sharks breath in coco that is mainlined
1x emerald triangle blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil

time for a update on my plants that I am mainlining I just gave these plants some water I made 4 gallons of water it had 1 teaspoon of floranova bloom and 1 teaspoon of roots organic hp2 bloom booster and 1 tablespoon of grandma's unsulphured molasses and last but not least 3 teaspoons of roots organic elemental dry Cal mag for all 4 gallons it was ph. to 6.0 and split it between all the plants in coco

the roots organic elemental dry Cal mag was added to the water first but was mixed in a separate container so it could be mixed well before I added the nutes

I also checked the calibration on my Oakton ph. meter it was only .1 off so that's good

the blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil and roots organic soil got plain water that was ph. with citric acid powder it was ph. to 6.4 it got about a half gallon of water

these plants are in day [HASHTAG]#19[/HASHTAG] of flower

the plants in this grow are

1x big Buddha Cheesus in coco that is mainlined
1x big Buddha Cheesus clone in coco
1x barneys farm Tangerine Dream in coco that is mainlined
1x dna genetics Sharks breath in coco that is mainlined
1x emerald triangle blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil

time for a update on my plants that I am mainlining I just gave these plants some water I made 4 gallons of water it had 1 teaspoon of floranova bloom and 1 teaspoon of roots organic hpk bloom booster and 3 teaspoons of roots organic elemental dry Cal mag for all 4 gallons it was ph. to 6.0 and split it between all the plants in coco

the roots organic elemental dry Cal mag was added to the water first but was mixed in a separate container so it could be mixed well before I added the nutes

I switched out the hp2 for the hpk since its week 3 of flower and I also turned off the oscillating wall fan in the back of the closet because I am a bit worried that it is giving my plants wind burn damage since it is blowing directly on the bud sites if the temps dont go up much I will leave it off for now

the blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil and roots organic soil got plain water that was ph. with citric acid powder it was ph. to 6.4 it got about a half gallon of water

these plants are in day [HASHTAG]#21[/HASHTAG] of flower

the plants in this grow are

1x big Buddha Cheesus in coco that is mainlined
1x big Buddha Cheesus clone in coco
1x barneys farm Tangerine Dream in coco that is mainlined
1x dna genetics Sharks breath in coco that is mainlined
1x emerald triangle blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil

time for a update on my plants that I am mainlining I just gave these plants some water I made 4 gallons of water it had 1 teaspoon of floranova bloom and 1 teaspoon of roots organic hpk bloom booster and 1 tablespoon of terpinator and 10ml of mammoth p microbes for all 4 gallons it was ph. to 5.9 and split it between all the plants in coco

the blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil and roots organic soil got plain water that was ph. with citric acid powder it was ph. to 6.4 it got about a half gallon of water

now that the fan is off in the closet I forgot to adjust how much water I give them because I gave them way to much water the plant saucers were full next time I have to remember

I also raised the light as high as it can go that dam blueberry headband and the Tangerine Dream are getting way taller then there were supposed too even after I super cropped them they just bounced back and said fuck you asshole I dont think I will be growing either one of those strains again

the Cheesus and the Sharks breath are doing great I think this closet is better suited for pure Indica's since they tend to stay smaller I think that's what I might just grow next we will see

these plants are in day [HASHTAG]#23[/HASHTAG] of flower

the plants in this grow are

1x big Buddha Cheesus in coco that is mainlined
1x big Buddha Cheesus clone in coco
1x barneys farm Tangerine Dream in coco that is mainlined
1x dna genetics Sharks breath in coco that is mainlined
1x emerald triangle blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil

time for a update on my plants that I am mainlining I just gave these plants some water I made 2 gallons of water it had 1 teaspoon of floranova bloom and 1 teaspoon of roots organic hpk bloom booster for both gallons it was ph. to 5.9 and split it between all the plants in coco

the blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil and roots organic soil got plain water that was ph. with citric acid powder it was ph. to 6.4 it got about a quarter gallon of water

I noticed that some of the plant saucers still had a tiny bit of water even after 2 days between watering's so I only gave them enough to get a bit of run off hopefully that gives them a bit of time to dry out if not I will skip a day but I hope I dont have to I dont what to mess up my schedule

these plants are in day [HASHTAG]#25[/HASHTAG] of flower

the plants in this grow are

1x big Buddha Cheesus in coco that is mainlined
1x big Buddha Cheesus clone in coco
1x barneys farm Tangerine Dream in coco that is mainlined
1x dna genetics Sharks breath in coco that is mainlined
1x emerald triangle blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil

time for a update on my plants that I am mainlining I just gave these plants some water I made 3 gallons of water it had 1 teaspoon of floranova bloom and 1 teaspoon of roots organic hpk bloom booster and 1 teaspoon of roots organic hp2 bloom booster for all 3 gallons it was ph. to 5.9 and split it between all the plants in coco

I forgot to reduce the amount of water I made the nutes with I still had more then half of the water left after watering but I did remember give a small amount of it to the plants since the wall fan has been off they are taking longer to dry out next time I will try and remember lol

the blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil and roots organic soil got plain water that was ph. with citric acid powder it was ph. to 6.5 it got about a quarter gallon of water I gave the blueberry headband in super soil a special treat today I added a half teaspoon of grandma's unsulphured molasses and a half teaspoon of mammoth p microbes this is the first time I have added anything to the watering's for this plant

I had to move 2 of the plants around I moved the blueberry headband to the front since its so dam tall and wont cooperate it was getting light burned and moved the Cheesus clone to its spot since its a lot shorter

I noticed that the Tangerine Dream is also getting light burned but there's not much I can do since the light is as high as it can go I might try to tie the branches down in my next watering

these plants are in day [HASHTAG]#27[/HASHTAG] of flower

the plants in this grow are

1x big Buddha Cheesus in coco that is mainlined
1x big Buddha Cheesus clone in coco
1x barneys farm Tangerine Dream in coco that is mainlined
1x dna genetics Sharks breath in coco that is mainlined
1x emerald triangle blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil

time for a update on my plants that I am mainlining I just gave these plants some water I made 2.5 gallons of water it had 1 teaspoon of floranova bloom and 1 teaspoon of roots organic hpk bloom booster and 1 teaspoon of roots organic hp2 bloom booster and 2 teaspoons of roots organic elemental dry Cal mag for all 2.5 gallons it was ph. to 6.0 and split it between all the plants in coco

the roots organic elemental dry Cal mag was mixed with a bit of water and added first before the other nutes

the blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil and roots organic soil got plain water that was ph. with citric acid powder it was ph. to 6.4 it got about a quarter gallon of water

I was trying to lst the blueberry headband and bent it to far and it super cropped it self but its all good it should bonce back but for now I have some pipe cleaners holding the top half up until it can heal itself

I also took some pics of the plants with the lights off this time

these plants are in day [HASHTAG]#29[/HASHTAG] of flower

the plants in this grow are

1x big Buddha Cheesus in coco that is mainlined
1x big Buddha Cheesus clone in coco
1x barneys farm Tangerine Dream in coco that is mainlined
1x dna genetics Sharks breath in coco that is mainlined
1x emerald triangle blueberry headband in super soil from kind soil
