Grow Mediums db003's black valium auto - ancient haze auto 600w air cooled grow 2x4 growlab tent

time for a watering update of my top shelf elite genetics autoflower testers of black valium autos and ancient haze autos in this watering I gave them emerald harvest nutrients I used the nutes at half strength of the recommended dose the water was ph. to 5.8 I made 3 gallons and split it between all the plants I did not use all of it

I also ph. the water to low this time so a added a bit of GH silica just to raise the ph. a bit

Cali Pro A and B at 2.5ml per gallon
emerald goddess at 3ml per gallon
honey chome at 2ml per gallon

I started the first bit of training on them

these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#28[/HASHTAG] from sprout

hello everyone time for a watering update of my top shelf elite genetics autoflower testers of black valium autos and ancient haze autos in this watering I gave them emerald harvest nutrients I used the nutes at half strength of the recommended dose the water was ph. to 5.8 I made 3 gallons and split it between all the plants until I got a bit of run off

Cali Pro A and B at 2.5ml per gallon
emerald goddess at 3ml per gallon
honey chome at 2ml per gallon

they have all reached the scrog now and started training I will be switching out the MH bulb for the HPS bulb soon in a week so that will be awesome

these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#31[/HASHTAG] from sprout

Looks great bud! That canopy is perfect.
thanks man cant wait to switch out to the hps and see it go crazy in flower
Oh yeah. How much longer before you switch?
hello everyone time for a watering update of my top shelf elite genetics autoflower testers of black valium autos and ancient haze autos in this watering I gave them emerald harvest nutrients I used the nutes at quarter strength of the recommended dose I seen the slightest bit of yellowing on the tips that's why I backed down from half strength to quarter strength for now

the water was ph. to 6.2 this time I wanted to go a bit higher this time since I have been watering at 5.8 for the past couple of watering's I like to bounce around in the 5.5 to 6.2 range of ph. with coco aka soilless so they can get a better balance of nutrients since not all nutrients are absorbed at the same ph. range but I mostly aim for 5.8 to 6.0 most of the time

I made 3 gallons but only used about 2 and a half and split it between all the plants I only gave them a full 2 litter bottle each I did not get any run off this time

they are all getting training now some more then others but that's fine both of the ancient haze autos on both of the ends of the scrog have super cropped them self's it happened when I was training the scrog but that's no big deal they just keep chugging along I also did some lite leaf trimming just some lower leaves and some that were in the way of upper bud sites

Cali Pro A and B at 1.1 ml per gallon
emerald goddess at 1.5 ml per gallon
honey chome at 0.6 ml per gallon

these autos are in day [HASHTAG]#34[/HASHTAG] from sprout
