Lighting Dazed' Second Sugar Mango Ryder

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yeah 1 ml of both should be just fine,but since I dunno anything bout the Veg Bio Grow Id just say one drops should be fine,so yeah 1ml will be fine.ya PH ing yer water?.and dunno how fast they are drying out for ya but just add a half a quart every few days,should be fine Id think.but again,i dont do LED and airpots,sooo....but thats pretty fast.if I were you if they are that dry,with your plant how it is right now,with that small n starter feeding strength stuff yer fixin to make.Id make a few quarts er even a gallon if ya use that much to drench her.but Id make enough mild feed to drench her right now especially if shes dry.:smoke: and if you make about a gallon a small amount I use sometimes is three drops of liquid feed(Ferts) and a teaspoon Molasses kinda glopped on there.LOL!pour slowly to not disturb the soil as best ya can.I pour from a small cup to really get in there tight n close to the soil to you can almost lay the water onto the soil slowly.have patience brother."AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out"

Not doing any pH of anything this time. Water after 48hrs is pH 8.0. After some bio-grow/bloom it always drops to pH 7/7.1.
yer not gonna PH yer feds or water?hmmm,just know that could cause a bit of an issue down the may not,just saying better safe than sorry.this is a cant fail situation right?I know alll about those LOL! if you decide to think about PH yer water n feeds look at earth juice double up n double down.Andy turned me onto them and they seem very organic friendly too so,something to look at too.and it'll last ya a year or more,I know mine will.LOL!hope yer day is goin alright attcha later.
Thanks eyes, well always did pH my water, but I was told by numerous organic growers and Bio-Bizz themselves that it shouldn't be an issue? When I add molasses or grow/bloom it always brings it down to 7 or just under. I was told that the buffers in the soil will take care of it so long as it doesn't go too low. I was always messing with pH, lime pH up/down and always screwed things up (I think). So as for now, I'm going to play it safe and not screw with anything, like I said, kind of like tomatoes! Besides, if my pH was around 6-5-7 after adding to water, would I really need to pH it? I thought 6.-5-7 is optimal for organic soil growing? Please tell me if you think I'm about to mess this up.

Will post pics when she wakes up.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks eyes, well always did pH my water, but I was told by numerous organic growers and Bio-Bizz themselves that it shouldn't be an issue? When I add molasses or grow/bloom it always brings it down to 7 or just under. I was told that the buffers in the soil will take care of it so long as it doesn't go too low. I was always messing with pH, lime pH up/down and always screwed things up (I think). So as for now, I'm going to play it safe and not screw with anything, like I said, kind of like tomatoes! Besides, if my pH was around 6-5-7 after adding to water, would I really need to pH it? I thought 6.-5-7 is optimal for organic soil growing? Please tell me if you think I'm about to mess this up.

Will post pics when she wakes up.
nono noo brother,ya aint messin anything me your exactly where your supposed to be and how its supposed to look.couldnt be much better man,trust me on that.nah bro,just the PH thing is more of a choice/growing method even for organic gardeners believe it or not.the rule says hell yes toss out the pen n no worries about PH.but thats ONLY with a living buffered and blended soil to be honest.other organic blends(even with Lime)will not buffer and level it out nowhere near as well as it can be by a living soil.thats all I was getting at.and if you brew a hotter tea for whatever reason you totally should just make sure its between6-7 if you can.anywhere around that area seems to be easily workable by the soil.amd if you run a well by chance your water will change through the seasons as well.more or less magnesium,and TDS in general or a lack there of.just things you have to think about man thats all brother."AFN smoke out"
Really appreciate the help bro. I just wanted to be clear, yes I understand pH is the most important factor in any medium. I'm trying to look after the soil not the plant, if you get me?! Like, trying to keep a healthy bio system going on in there, not trying to max anything out or go for huge yields. Just easy, natural, organic growing.
Some pics as she just woke up, day 7. Looking good to me?



If you're running all 6 spots on the MS0006 then 32cm sounds too close at this stage. In case you haven't seen it, there is a Grownorthern manual thread and on the first page there are light height recommendations from Tang

For the first week it's recommended to keep it 75 cm away from the plants. I made the mistake of keeping mine too close and it takes quite some days before you notice anything wrong.
If you're running all 6 spots on the MS0006 then 32cm sounds too close at this stage. In case you haven't seen it, there is a Grownorthern manual thread and on the first page there are light height recommendations from Tang

For the first week it's recommended to keep it 75 cm away from the plants. I made the mistake of keeping mine too close and it takes quite some days before you notice anything wrong.

Thanks for the heads up bro. Just moved it to 75cm, I thought it might be a little close! Looking ok still, fed with 1/4 tablespoon/ltr molasses and .5ml/litre Bio-Grow. Shook the bottle for a few mins opening the lid, to get some oxygen in there.

Hey, day 9, looking great after a little introduction to some feed this morning. I'm not watering so much that there is more than a few drips run off, I'm realy conscious of keeping the soil in good condition. Looking very green and new growth has stopped being yellow!

Any comments appreciated. Thanks DBudster for the heads up with light distance.

Some pics.


Temps are getting hot, 31 currently-they always cool down at night though.

Looks like the yellow is clearing up good. id make sure i stick to light feeding until she gets a little bigger. and if you can try to tighten the gap between day and night temps while shes so young itll help with growth. :Sharing One:whats you HR%?