Indoor davisgirl does DWC in a crazy grow tent

No I don’t think you have bad advice at all. I take everyone’s advice but at the end of the day, I weigh it along with everything else I know and make my own decision. And whoa — these problems look alike.

So it looks as though along with whatever else is going on, I’ve been overfeeding CalMagPro by 20%. In my defense, here are the instructions on the bag:
View attachment 1019260

I set the pH to 5.7 yesterday at about noon, and by about 9pm I checked and she was up at 6.6. Lowered her back down to 5.7. This morning she is sitting at 6.0 and I’m going to let her do what she’s doing and adjust her back down sometime today.

OK, it’s 11 am and she was still at 6.0. I put her down to 5.5.
PH fluctuations in DWC are very common. The plant exudes can cause that kind of swing along with microbe activity in the res. That is why it is so important to monitor PH often.
So when the P comes I’ll look to mix about 50 ppm of it into pH’d water with a little cocowet. Keep it out of the res entirely. Are you liking that plan?
I'm happy to help if I can DG, but it's a learning gig for me too! ..reminds me, maybe I should whistle up @MedGrower too, since he's helped me a lot in Sick Bay in the past :biggrin:
...yup, try 2-3 rounds over a week and see it if helps, but if you're still using the MC with the defc. girl here, I'd slip a little extra P in there too just to cover bases... Good on the roots! -that's huge... As for water T, getting that below 70F would be wise,.. higher T messes with pH and nute availability,...
I like that chart too, so I stuck it in the diagnostic thread! I prefer the attenuating bar charts best so you can see relative availability, instead of the often misleading "all or nothing" type graphics... in the real world, in soil that I've seen, the pH charts are a guideline, a generalization, not always spot-on accurate,... I've has acidic pots, alkaline pots that didn't show the respective defc.'s as predicted, or to the degree one would expect,.. lots of grey area, more so in soil/soilless though, MoG is right about hydro, it's much tighter and less forgiving!
In a pinch, I find those self-fill water machines make very good water, low ppm and at a much better price than buying jugs of Di,.... do you have some around, or an actual water retailer?

Complex problems like this are why a lot of growers move away from DWC. OMHO it is the most difficult media to grow in but I also think when done well very rewarding. Since this is the second grow in a row to manifest the same problem I think your tap water is the source of the issue but without high quality water analysis we are just plucking at straws. I know you already plan to drop your tap water to 25% then in conjunction I would also use just MegaCrop and nothing else @ 80% strength for one week and see if there is any improvement.

The balance of nutrients is critical in DWC and why a reservoir change is required weekly but if the starting balance is wrong the grow is doomed to have problems. Mulder's Chart is a graphic representation of nutrient interactions. They only play well together when in balance. Too little or too much of any one will cause problems. This same balance is important in soil but the effects of a small imbalance are buffered by the soil itself. That action is not present in water alone. This scientific information is the basis for my always recommending only use one nutrient vendor at any given time, use the entire line on the vendors schedule. Good nutrients are designed to be in balance with the other products in that same line.This does not mean you cannot use microbes or foliar feeding. Just don't put any nutrients in the tank made by someone else. once you get out of balance and start treating symptoms it is like playing "whack-a-Mole". I have read this information many times over many years but I am not qualified to teach it. So go out and research it on your own. Here is the chart:

View attachment 1019184

Complicated right But you don't need to know all of this to grow in DWC unless you have a problem just keep it simple.
:greenthumb:interesting chart MoG, thank you! Who's Mulder, and where did this come from? I'm trying to correlate it with the other things I have concerning this,.. but I need some clearer explanations about it,...and it's not exactly complete (maybe because it'd be a total visual clusterfuck if it did!)... So for example, Ca and Mg under the antagonism, what do they mean by "action of another nute"? Excess? I think so, because true, too much Mg can screw with Ca uptake, but visa versa :doh: --so in theory, the arrow should go both ways,... looking at Ca and B, that's clearer, because our mate Skelly had over-limed a planting spot last season, and that plant had a bout of B defc....
--- reading under stimulation, an increase in N with mandate an increased demand for Mg, am I reading that right?
:greenthumb:interesting chart MoG, thank you! Who's Mulder, and where did this come from? I'm trying to correlate it with the other things I have concerning this,.. but I need some clearer explanations about it,...and it's not exactly complete (maybe because it'd be a total visual clusterfuck if it did!)... So for example, Ca and Mg under the antagonism, what do they mean by "action of another nute"? Excess? I think so, because true, too much Mg can screw with Ca uptake, but visa versa :doh: --so in theory, the arrow should go both ways,... looking at Ca and B, that's clearer, because our mate Skelly had over-limed a planting spot last season, and that plant had a bout of B defc....
--- reading under stimulation, an increase in N with mandate an increased demand for Mg, am I reading that right?

Are you kidding! I don't remember who I am. I looked it up. The idea is to express how complicated it is to solve a nutrient imbalance in hydro. Just look at the variables. Here is a quote

ScreenHunter_180 Feb. 23 16.50.jpg

The interactions can be from excess or deficiency.
Here is a more populated wheel and don't ask me to explain it I cannot. I cannot explain the simpler one. That is why I said I cannot teach it you just need to research it. I know you already understand more of the chemistry involved it just gets to be overwhelming and I am not motivated to overcome it. Too stoned I guess.

ScreenHunter_181 Feb. 23 17.01.jpg
I'm happy to help if I can DG, but it's a learning gig for me too! ..reminds me, maybe I should whistle up @MedGrower too, since he's helped me a lot in Sick Bay in the past :biggrin:
...yup, try 2-3 rounds over a week and see it if helps, but if you're still using the MC with the defc. girl here, I'd slip a little extra P in there too just to cover bases... Good on the roots! -that's huge... As for water T, getting that below 70F would be wise,.. higher T messes with pH and nute availability,...
I like that chart too, so I stuck it in the diagnostic thread! I prefer the attenuating bar charts best so you can see relative availability, instead of the often misleading "all or nothing" type graphics... in the real world, in soil that I've seen, the pH charts are a guideline, a generalization, not always spot-on accurate,... I've has acidic pots, alkaline pots that didn't show the respective defc.'s as predicted, or to the degree one would expect,.. lots of grey area, more so in soil/soilless though, MoG is right about hydro, it's much tighter and less forgiving!
In a pinch, I find those self-fill water machines make very good water, low ppm and at a much better price than buying jugs of Di,.... do you have some around, or an actual water retailer?

:greenthumb:interesting chart MoG, thank you! Who's Mulder, and where did this come from? I'm trying to correlate it with the other things I have concerning this,.. but I need some clearer explanations about it,...and it's not exactly complete (maybe because it'd be a total visual clusterfuck if it did!)... So for example, Ca and Mg under the antagonism, what do they mean by "action of another nute"? Excess? I think so, because true, too much Mg can screw with Ca uptake, but visa versa :doh: --so in theory, the arrow should go both ways,... looking at Ca and B, that's clearer, because our mate Skelly had over-limed a planting spot last season, and that plant had a bout of B defc....
--- reading under stimulation, an increase in N with mandate an increased demand for Mg, am I reading that right?

Tuesday can’t come soon enough for the P, she’s looking like she got hit with the ugly stick, the deficiency moved up another set. And I think I see a spot of it coming in on Mr Ripley. FML! :cuss:<——-hah always wanted to use that little guy :rofl: Anyways, today they’ll all get a new reservoir at 80% Greenleaf schedule, 3:1 RO:Tap ratio for 9 gallons of RO water today alone, the ladies at the corner grocery are aghast at my demand for the stuff. They’ve got one of those machines there, the stuff is cheaper than dirt. But all that carrying around — thinking of a career in wrestling what with all my new upper body strength. :dancer:Best to get the little RO Buddie unit I bought installed and running, it’s supposed to be good for 50 Gal/day but I’d be good with 20/week.

The water temp is a tougher issue. I could probably lose a degree or two by putting them on the floor, but I love having them up on the risers. I have the temp set at 75 and the water then runs at 73. I’ll go down to 72 and that’ll put me at 70 for the water and still be decent for the seedlings.

PH has been very stable since the early swing up, that seems to happen in the first 24 hours of a res. I had set her last to 5.5 and she has since drifted up to 5.7.:thumbsup:
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Sorry to hear of all the challenges you are having with this grow, DG. It's definitely putting you through a crash course that will be invaluable as you go on... making you a better grower.

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Sorry to hear of all the challenges you are having with this grow, DG. It's definitely putting you through a crash course that will be invaluable as you go on... making you a better grower.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
You would know brother. You had issues and look where you are now. Just learn and follow the system.
Tuesday can’t come soon enough for the P, she’s looking like she got hit with the ugly stick, the deficiency moved up another set. And I think I see a spot of it coming in on Mr Ripley. FML! :cuss:<——-hah always wanted to use that little guy :rofl: Anyways, today they’ll all get a new reservoir at 80% Greenleaf schedule, 3:1 RO:Tap ratio for 9 gallons of RO water today alone, the ladies at the corner grocery are aghast at my demand for the stuff. They’ve got one of those machines there, the stuff is cheaper than dirt. But all that carrying around — thinking of a career in wrestling what with all my new upper body strength. :dancer:Best to get the little RO Buddie unit I bought installed and running, it’s supposed to be good for 50 Gal/day but I’d be good with 20/week.

The water temp is a tougher issue. I could probably lose a degree or two by putting them on the floor, but I love having them up on the risers. I have the temp set at 75 and the water then runs at 73. I’ll go down to 72 and that’ll put me at 70 for the water and still be decent for the seedlings.

PH has been very stable since the early swing up, that seems to happen in the first 24 hours of a res. I had set her last to 5.5 and she has since drifted up to 5.7.:thumbsup:
I would not worry about that water temperature too much. I have grown successful DWC as high as 82°F reservoir temperatures as long as you are running HydroGuard. It is not ideal but it is not a problem at 74°F.

DG I hope this solves the problem because I don't know where to go from here. @Iriee Vibez is using MC in a brilliant DWC grow. Which further points to the starting water?
I would not worry about that water temperature too much. I have grown successful DWC as high as 82°F reservoir temperatures as long as you are running HydroGuard. It is not ideal but it is not a problem at 74°F.

DG I hope this solves the problem because I don't know where to go from here. @Iriee Vibez is using MC in a brilliant DWC grow. Which further points to the starting water?

He uses Advanced Nutrients. But I don’t think it’s the Megacrop.

Thanks @Iriee Vibez ! I’m feeling pretty sorry for myself right about now LOL but the learning is what’s important here and I’m taking the crash course!
He uses Advanced Nutrients. But I don’t think it’s the Megacrop.

Thanks @Iriee Vibez ! I’m feeling pretty sorry for myself right about now LOL but the learning is what’s important here and I’m taking the crash course!
@Iriee Vibez I thought you were using GreenLeaf nutrients? Humph well I am using GreenLeaf in my hydro drip to waste with no issues:
