Indoor davisgirl does DWC in a crazy grow tent

I was going to say this earlier but I forgot. Now you reminded me.

Isn't the RO filter waste water just going back in the water table anyway so its not really wasted? Its costing money yes. But is it really all that bad a thing?
Do not let it run into your garden it will foul the soil.
Do not let it run into your garden it will foul the soil.
Speaking of that, what do I do with old bottles of nutrient? I’m thinking pouring it down the drain might be a bad thing ...
Do not let it run into your garden it will foul the soil.

No danger of that because RO filter waster water goes down the laundry room drain.... and I assume in to the water table and also back in to the water treatment facilities. But hell good thing to know anyway. Probably not good for drinking either.
Complex problems like this are why a lot of growers move away from DWC. OMHO it is the most difficult media to grow in but I also think when done well very rewarding. Since this is the second grow in a row to manifest the same problem I think your tap water is the source of the issue but without high quality water analysis we are just plucking at straws. I know you already plan to drop your tap water to 25% then in conjunction I would also use just MegaCrop and nothing else @ 80% strength for one week and see if there is any improvement.

The balance of nutrients is critical in DWC and why a reservoir change is required weekly but if the starting balance is wrong the grow is doomed to have problems. Mulder's Chart is a graphic representation of nutrient interactions. They only play well together when in balance. Too little or too much of any one will cause problems. This same balance is important in soil but the effects of a small imbalance are buffered by the soil itself. That action is not present in water alone. This scientific information is the basis for my always recommending only use one nutrient vendor at any given time, use the entire line on the vendors schedule. Good nutrients are designed to be in balance with the other products in that same line.This does not mean you cannot use microbes or foliar feeding. Just don't put any nutrients in the tank made by someone else. once you get out of balance and start treating symptoms it is like playing "whack-a-Mole". I have read this information many times over many years but I am not qualified to teach it. So go out and research it on your own. Here is the chart:

ScreenHunter_180 Feb. 22 22.16.jpg

Complicated right But you don't need to know all of this to grow in DWC unless you have a problem just keep it simple.
Complex problems like this are why a lot of growers move away from DWC. OMHO it is the most difficult media to grow in but I also think when done well very rewarding. Since this is the second grow in a row to manifest the same problem I think your tap water is the source of the issue but without high quality water analysis we are just plucking at straws. I know you already plan to drop your tap water to 25% then in conjunction I would also use just MegaCrop and nothing else @ 80% strength for one week and see if there is any improvement.

The balance of nutrients is critical in DWC and why a reservoir change is required weekly but if the starting balance is wrong the grow is doomed to have problems. Mulder's Chart is a graphic representation of nutrient interactions. They only play well together when in balance. Too little or too much of any one will cause problems. This same balance is important in soil but the effects of a small imbalance are buffered by the soil itself. That action is not present in water alone. This scientific information is the basis for my always recommending only use one nutrient vendor at any given time, use the entire line on the vendors schedule. Good nutrients are designed to be in balance with the other products in that same line.This does not mean you cannot use microbes or foliar feeding. Just don't put any nutrients in the tank made by someone else. once you get out of balance and start treating symptoms it is like playing "whack-a-Mole". I have read this information many times over many years but I am not qualified to teach it. So go out and research it on your own. Here is the chart:

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Complicated right But you don't need to know all of this to grow in DWC unless you have a problem just keep it simple.
Yah, sucks for sure. She looks worse this morning:

So far no signs of deficiency on the rest. This is absolutely the same problem as last time though — here are pics of the NLs at the same age, on GH flora series (blurple/orientation alert — cover your eyes MOG! :rofl:)

Same problem. I think we’ll figure it out and we’ll all have learned something.

In the meantime — I am so appreciative of the support and help, especially MOG and @Waira , but not just them. Weighing in with your ideas and possible avenues to a solution is hugely valuable to me and I thank all of you. :toke:
That is great info MOG.
I hope I didn't screw things up by trying to help, I think I'm a little too eager to try and help people and I should let the more experienced growers step in first.
I would recommend tho that you clip of those dead leaves at the very bottom, I'm a bit worried about them getting wet being close to the hydroton and causing an issue for you.
The new growth looks like it is coming in OK tho for now, you want to monitor that as the lower leaves already heavily affected will just die off.
Ok it’s officially time to bring in the big guns! @Mañ'O'Green your presence is requested in this most delicate situation of 21 day old Miss GSC, currently suffering from ugly leaves. She was just wearing a ponytail on her top leaves which is why they look fucked up:
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Here is the res change she just got:
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Do you always keep buckets open with lines like this?
If so get you a drill and black duct tape put hole in bucket and tape over line to make sure no light gets to res. Algae grows very easily and light kills roots.
If so get you a drill and black duct tape put hole in bucket and tape over line to make sure no light gets to res. Algae grows very easily and light kills roots.
Thanks StillSmokin — the buckets and tops are mostly new and I haven’t retrofit them yet for the reservoir and the air pumps. It’s high on my list though and the float valves are in.
That is great info MOG.
I hope I didn't screw things up by trying to help, I think I'm a little too eager to try and help people and I should let the more experienced growers step in first.
I would recommend tho that you clip of those dead leaves at the very bottom, I'm a bit worried about them getting wet being close to the hydroton and causing an issue for you.
The new growth looks like it is coming in OK tho for now, you want to monitor that as the lower leaves already heavily affected will just die off.
No I don’t think you have bad advice at all. I take everyone’s advice but at the end of the day, I weigh it along with everything else I know and make my own decision. And whoa — these problems look alike.

So it looks as though along with whatever else is going on, I’ve been overfeeding CalMagPro by 20%. In my defense, here are the instructions on the bag:

I set the pH to 5.7 yesterday at about noon, and by about 9pm I checked and she was up at 6.6. Lowered her back down to 5.7. This morning she is sitting at 6.0 and I’m going to let her do what she’s doing and adjust her back down sometime today.

OK, it’s 11 am and she was still at 6.0. I put her down to 5.5.
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