Dinafem DarkGreens Cheese XXL Auto under GrowNorthern and BudMaster

looking good bro . Seems I've as unlucky as u and are showing signs of sex! On week 2 ! Moby dick no till , you baby's look healthy and vibarant god luck and don't give up maybe try phenos on your next run so u can control the size you desire.

Bro don't sweat it, these dinafem seem to have their own ideas about autoflower growth.

Checkout how much she's stretched since going into flower.

I have the opposite problem now! Too tall and not enough side lighting (since I sold my HS1) might have to dust off my GN ms0004..

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I most definately doubt that its strain related, i agree with sanguine in the respect of perhaps trying hydro next run, i think its just a case of bad luck, perhaps tie her down a bit if its not too late, some low stress might just make a world of difference in her final strerch, give the girl a fair chance id stil like to see how she develops , and I would love to see some bud porn and a smoke report, keep the vibes positive in the tent ;) il send good karma stretchy vibes heheh

You're stretchy vibes have certainly worked.

Can you send some bushy ones now lol

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[emoji23]shes going all Jack and the Beanstalk on your ass right now, seems like you did no training, cannot really see how you will achieve much bushyness from here on without supercropping - even if I send all the good karma bushy vibes i got...... also kinda too late for lst id say..
Looking nice and healthy btw
[emoji23]shes going all Jack and the Beanstalk on your ass right now, seems like you did no training, cannot really see how you will achieve much bushyness from here on without supercropping - even if I send all the good karma bushy vibes i got...... also kinda too late for lst id say..
Looking nice and healthy btw

I was thinking of super cropping the main stem, but I've not done any kind of training on any plant before so I'm cautious ...

She's very lush and green, with those four side branches popping out around the main stem she looks like an X-Wing from Star Wars!
I was thinking of super cropping the main stem, but I've not done any kind of training on any plant before so I'm cautious ...

She's very lush and green, with those four side branches popping out around the main stem she looks like an X-Wing from Star Wars!
Probably best to supercrop the mainstem asap imho(roll carefully between thum and pointy finger try not to snap the stem and stake her), the longer you wait the more reluctant I would personally get of actioning the supercrop and just end up leaving her like she is, but your call curious to see whatsha gonna do... supercropping would also even the canopy some obviously I think you mentioned that you would like a more even canopy..
Probably best to supercrop the mainstem asap imho(roll carefully between thum and pointy finger try not to snap the stem and stake her), the longer you wait the more reluctant I would personally get of actioning the supercrop and just end up leaving her like she is, but your call curious to see whatsha gonna do... supercropping would also even the canopy some obviously I think you mentioned that you would like a more even canopy..

Thanks again for your advice.

The side branches seem to be stretching up, I may instead of super cropping, see how much the side do stretch, and maybe strap then up to the main stem? It's not very leafy so there should still be plenty light getting to everywhere?

That way, surely as the side branched would be closer to the light, they would have more chance of bulking up?

I'll make the call tomorrow, and at day 35 I'll update again

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going great dude , I think yes it's to late for any lst or super crop , I tried to super crop on of my branches as got to tall and there was no snap or tear on it and lost it sadly , my whole plant has been trained lst super cropped and scrog and it took well to all of it up until flower , think the plant looks at as I've got bud to produce and forget about healing and focus on bulking up just my two pence peace man bushy vibes ur way
going great dude , I think yes it's to late for any lst or super crop , I tried to super crop on of my branches as got to tall and there was no snap or tear on it and lost it sadly , my whole plant has been trained lst super cropped and scrog and it took well to all of it up until flower , think the plant looks at as I've got bud to produce and forget about healing and focus on bulking up just my two pence peace man bushy vibes ur way

Thanks bro.

Her side branches have really started to creep upwards, and the main stem seems to have slowed down, so hopefully I'll be getting more of a candelabra shape:


Rather than the Christmas tree shape.

I simply don't have the room for side lighting that the Xmas tree structure requires.

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Day 35

The side branches seem to be straightening up, perhaps to fit the square footprint of the Budmaster light, now that she's under it exclusively.




Some real glitter forming on the emerging flowers already




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