Dankerson's Closet

Hello Everyone! It's been awhile but as promised I am finally back. My new setup is fairly dialed in after a bunch of issues getting it going so I figured it would be a good time to start a journal. This will be my main thread so I plan to post updates of what's going on periodically. Any questions don't hesitate to ask!

Room setup:
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It's a roughly 5'x6' closet I built myself so it's a nice custom setup. Plenty of outlets and I made sure it was insulated well. It's all ran with an AC Infinity controller 69 pro wifi. I have a little workstation for all my mixing stuff as well as a little cabinet hung up top. My goal was to keep everything in this room so I had to stay compact to maintain as much useable space as possible. I 'sealed' the room to the best of my ability. It has one air inlet from the house HVAC and I keep my 6" exhaust fan/filter on its lowest setting just for air exchange. I have a large dehumidifier hooked up to an ac infinity switch and a mini split on the wall for cooling. In the rare event I need a humidifier I have one hooked up and ready in the corner. I have 3 ac infinity cloudray fans on a bar I put in the corner. I run a HLG Diablo 650R on a 20/4 schedule with a UVA add on light on a 10 hour schedule. Try to keep the room around 75°F and 50-55% rh. I use a combination of jacks neem oil spray, dead bug and some DE in addition to sticky traps to keep down on the pests.

My drain bucket in the corner is where everything drains into including my dtw pot risers. It has a nice drain pump that empties it when it gets high enough. I have water running into the room into a micRO RO system that I use to fill my 5 gal bucket bubble rez under the table. I have a pump in that with a hose I use to mix water, fill humidifier, etc.

I am using Honor The Plant 3g(red) and 2g(blue) diamond series grow bags. I have some rainscience bags I used to use as backups if needed. I use hydro halos to water them as it makes it easier, especially once the room starts to fill up.

Currently using FFOF bagged soil with about 20% added perlite. For nutes I am using Jack's Nutrients RO bag dry nutrients with epsom, I have their bloom and finish bags as well. I run their feed schedule at half strength and pH it to 5.8-6.2 with dry organic pH up/down. I have BlueLabs pH and EC pens I calibrate before each grow. I use water only w/ some organic cal/mag the first 3ish weeks as the soil will last till about then. I aim for zero run off in the first weeks of water only but once I start the dry nutes I aim for about 10% runoff to avoid salt buildup since I switch to a continuous liquid feed schedule. Once I start feeding I usually start at about 300ppm and work up to about 500ppm depending on how the plants react. I also use raw yucca each time and occasionally add in recharge. I use bud candy once the plant starts to fade for increased terps.

For drying and curing I will be using my new Cannatrol I just ordered! I haven't gotten it yet but I will update the thread with it and how I like it once I get a chance to try it out.

That's my basic room setup, if anything changes ill update it here. Next post will be the run I just started so stay tuned!
Very cool closet you built Dank… a home growers dream! Can’t wait to see you fill it up with some huge kolas. :thumbsup:
Very cool closet you built Dank… a home growers dream! Can’t wait to see you fill it up with some huge kolas. :thumbsup:
Thanks man! Don't plan on moving for a long while so I really wanted to settle in. Hoping it goes better than the first try. In my rush to get restocked I had my light fall accidentally and demolish two plants at week 6, was a big bummer but so it goes. Saved the light at least so I considered myself lucky.

Glad to have you along buddy :pass: