Outdoor Dabber goes outside

That got me to thinking.
Has anyone here used the tomato growing technique of planting around a compost pile? I've used 4 or 5 t-posts with chicken wire filled with compost. It grows monster tomato plants.
Funny you asked 1st a little background on area it used to have cattle on it and yes, one spot I have is next to a big pile of topsoil mixed with cow shit. Stay tuned pics maybe tomorrow
I used the frog soil as a base for years in Washington state. You're gonna have fun!. I literally took a pick axe and dug holes in loose dirt/rock on the side of a hill behind our house. Tossed manure and compost in the bottom of the hole, then some amended frog to fill it up.

You be getting in on the outdoor comp this year then too, right ? :smoking:
I bought a bag of Ocean Forst today gonna get some new fresh Burpee and blend the 2 and make a new mix for my next auto run. The 65 gallon grow bag has Happy Frog and soil from a 1 time auto grow
Its not official yet but pretty sure the new SeedStockers RUCU CUCU OG will be the plant in the 65 gallon grow bag :cooldance:
Ok peeps decided to go this route and also do a couple in the ground
Black Lowrider Series Grow Bags

25 Gallon (25" Dia)

I'll be growing the following fem strains along with Pineapple, Girl Scout Cookies, and Gorilla Glue the new strains will all be in the grow bags