These cacti were rescued from an individual that never ended up doing anything with them, they sat in a dark cold basement for nearly 3 years, all great trichos and great genetics. I ended up being given these since I wanted to nurse them back to health. Just a pic of the rescued bunch in my crap-o greenhouse, trying to keep them going and grow as much as possible before the season is over/first frost. The t. peruvianus on the front right had very little issue adapting back to full sun/temps and put about 1.5ft on this season and quite a bit of girth, it'sa beast. The one next to it [t. bridgesii] essentially looked like the one that's behind it [t. pachanoi] - was all shriveled and had terrible root rot, which it had to be fresh cut and re-calloused, and just recently acclimated it enough to get some roots and finally take to the pot - as you can see it has a bit of callouse towards the middle [nothing to worry about, though you can see the new growth on top - beautiful and green! Just the way the bridgesii looks tells me it's going to be a beautiful monster.

Love it's odd design n shape - somewhat like a t. bridgesii monstrosus
And for the shriveled one in the back left corner [t. pachanoi] finally just took and got a couple small roots, had it setting in dry fresh soil/perlite now for 1.5 months, now I was finally able to give it about a 2L of distilled water. It had SERIOUS root rot/base rot, had to recut the bottom, callouse, etc. It'll make it, though it might not be far enough along by the time of first frost/end of season, so I might have to stick it up in my growtent.
Then the brugmansias from seed are in the back hidin out. Cant wait til those monsters are 5-6ft tall and full of flowers.
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