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Takin in a little sun . :biggrin:
howdy stoners do we have any uk chilli growers here? my moruga scorpions have just started fruiting lol. pretty sure thats not meant to happen. anyway was wondering when would be the best time to put seedlings in the greenhouse here? most of my grow gear is leaving me soon but keeping the tent cos its too hadd to get down and one of my lights so figured i could fill it with designer chillies to sell at the start of next season. : ) always a buck to be made eh :)
View attachment 814740 This is that bullshit weather I was telling you guys about in Kansas.
yeah mate try growing in scotland lol. our summer isnt much better than this. england gets wether to compete with spain and we get this shit. love it like. dont know how guys manage it outdoors here but by some mystical means they do it.
View attachment 814750yeah mate try growing in scotland lol. our summer isnt much better than this. england gets wether to compete with spain and we get this shit. love it like. dont know how guys manage it outdoors here but by some mystical means they do it.
I can’t wait till spring already!!!
Yes!! I hear you! - The woe of the harvest! :D

I've got some tips - it's messy. get some bin bags .... open them up (cut along one side so you get a big square) and tape them together.
This is your lovely trim mat that will eventually (and ironically) end up in the bin.

I like to give it a buzz cut first - like edward scissor hands


Then do a more fine trim removing the smaller leaves - you can keep the big leaves separated (for juicing or whatever) ... so you are only left cutting of the sugar leaves (which will fall on the cleverly designed trimming mat)

From here ... i read some cool ideas from @Biotabs F69 for keif and all that.

Check this out!

The soil ... for me goes in the bin of mixed in with the garden soil.
The stems get cut up small and put in the bin.

I find it easier to trim on the plant ... this has the small advantage that when i finally chop at the base ... i can hang the whole thing upside down with a clothes hanger in my tent with my carbon filter on ... and come back in a few days and check how they're doing.

From there, i may decided to cardbaord box (or paper bag) em to finish of the dry.

thanks heaps for this post blue! super helpful and making me not freak out so much. just so close to finally getting there its hard not to freak out abit first harvest lol
Eek has the day off. :smoking:

I like the article...
"they (The Harvard researchers) decided to test whether medical marijuana could have the opposite effect of increasing brain function rather than inhibiting it."
"After just three months of medical marijuana treatment, the participants showed an increase in their ability to complete all tests regarding accuracy or speed, suggesting that the treatments over time increased brain function."

It was either that, or proves that even with stoners...practice makes perfect! :funny:
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