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I've a lot to learn lol I would love to get a schedule like this
2 tents 20/4 schedule ..... 6 plants total ......2 planted every mnth over 3 mnths.......clever lst and training .......its achievable........u have made it here now .........the line is cast haha will u take the bait ......make it work for u [emoji111]

Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk
Though that may lower RH they’re still plants and a form of life at one point they need rest in my opinion it’s like us as humans though not plants we could work double or triple shifts but at some point we need rest. Ya feel me. But that’s just my opinion.
yeah i agree mate. while i have seen loads of folk do very well on 24/7 its not for me. i asked about it when i started here and was told that the roots grow more when the light is off as the plant is putting less energy into reaching for the lights. i never looked into it much further but that sounded reasonable enough to me so its what i go with : )
Though that may lower RH they’re still plants and a form of life at one point they need rest in my opinion it’s like us as humans though not plants we could work double or triple shifts but at some point we need rest. Ya feel me. But that’s just my opinion.
Totally agree with you , I was always comfortable with 20/4 light and am using 1000w full spec led , going to leave it on for a few day more and if I see no difference its back to 20/4
yeah i agree mate. while i have seen loads of folk do very well on 24/7 its not for me. i asked about it when i started here and was told that the roots grow more when the light is off as the plant is putting less energy into reaching for the lights. i never looked into it much further but that sounded reasonable enough to me so its what i go with : )
It’s like your outdoor plants man at night time when the sun is down the gravity of the moon pulls the water up thus your roots absorbing more of its feed producing better root growth for a stronger plant. Sounds silly but I’ve looked it up and it seems to be true in my eyes as my vegetable garden did great under that rule.
2 tents 20/4 schedule ..... 6 plants total ......2 planted every mnth over 3 mnths.......clever lst and training .......its achievable........u have made it here now .........the line is cast haha will u take the bait ......make it work for u [emoji111]

Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk
I was going to actually write what you said with 2 tents then it kinda looked stupid but that's my own texted and my heavily overhanging indica induced eyes lol , I'll do this on grow 2 thanks mate I understood second time round haha thanks man
gpw is only really a good way to track your own performance mate. not much good for guessing weights. soil/coco/hydro all have different potential outcomes then have to take into account what your feeding them and everything else. for instance if we both had the same light theres no way you could compete for yield in a 20L soil pot against my nft. change that soil for coco though and you could wipe the floor with me if its done right. the autocobs should easily outperform the vipar though from my understanding. : )
Gotcha Bro. I've really not looked into that much but I'm learning lol
Thank you mate another worry off my head, thanks guys you're always a good source of help, hard to believe people in the real world don't get on but here everyone does there best to help out , thanks AFN!
regardless of where were from or what our pasts consist of, were all here for the same reason mate. we all love weed : ) some smoke it, some vape it, some eat, some drink it, others just grow it to get their mrs new boobs. we've all been through the struggles of being a noobie though and weve all been helped by others. doesnt take much to make the world a nicer place eh. a kind word or a little help can make so much dofference in peoples lives. take what you have learned here and use it to spread joy to the world man : )
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