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Do any of you guys have to put up with stupid chemist's treating you like a meth head when you go in for cold and flu tablets these days? My local is ok but had to get some in town and they fucking interview you like your trying to cross a border or something. I mean mate im sitting here coughing and sneezing all over you what else you want? Fuckers are getting rid of all the tabs with pseudo in them and it's the only shit that fucking works, stupid meth heads ruin it for everyone. Anyway rant over im over being sick lol

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Yes, I have copped that.
I try not to take it out on them as they are only doing their job. It is the fucken moron politicians who have let the situation get out of hand in the first place and their knee jerk reaction to the problem only kicks the average punter in the nuts. Fuck dealing with the issues that got people hooked on codeine and pseudo in the first place.
Time to go and blow a bowl. season is damn near over....4am got robbed...mother fuckers stole the majority of the fruity chronic juice...half the atomic and half the think fast....gawd...i feel like killing myself since i (and the few hurting folks i take care of) are now totally fucked.

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