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She's been trusty

I've heard of some unstable phenos coming out, apparently a breeder can rush to sell f1 beans, and consistency is gone. Biology has NEVER been my strong suit tho. At some point in this lifetime, I'm gonna look it up and edjumacate myself.
Nothing wrong with that. Robert Connell Clarke Marijuana Botany and Dj shorts Cultivating Exceptional Cannabis: An Expert Breeder Shares His Secrets, are both great starting points. Most info is online already but it's nice to have something you don't have to go online for to reference. Dj Short book is in paper back only, Robert Connell Clarke you can get the book or Kindle version through Amazon for $9.99. Myself I always get the Kindle version first, then if I like it I'll spend the extra for the physical book. I like having both lol
F2'S from what I've read are pretty unstable that's when you see a lot of recessive traits pop up, that your f1s didn't show. I'd say f2s are the most important, because you can dial your f3's in better weeding out the stuff you don't like and emphasizing on traits you do like. Dj Short says satisfy your own head, don't follow trends. His blueberry is what he's famous for, but it's what he liked. He says he even smokes the leaves of males to see how potent they are and of course the famous stem rub. Lol
I'm no expert by any means, just passing along information that I've seen and plan on using in my breeding practices. My hippy friend and I are hoping to merge in the next couple years and possibly selling beans. He's a lot more old-school and I am too, but have to try and add some kind of new school spin to things lol
One of the things you see less of now days is breeders offering regular seeds. Stick up on those while you can. I'm trying to. The way things are now days you never know ecspecially with big business and pharma Trying to get into the industry. I like to think we have enough grassroots folks in the industry to not allow them in, but it's not going to stop them from Trying and/or doing it. Fuck Monsanto!!!
As a culture, family, were all activist in a sense. States that are legal and all, this is an industry that we've created, not them. We need to keep it that way. Who would of thought, the old school hippies and newer generation stoners could do such things? Lmao Fuck em and feed em pintos.
think il take a pack lunch with me to work tomorrow

its ok mum ive me sandwiches made
Nothing wrong with that. Robert Connell Clarke Marijuana Botany and Dj shorts Cultivating Exceptional Cannabis: An Expert Breeder Shares His Secrets, are both great starting points. Most info is online already but it's nice to have something you don't have to go online for to reference. Dj Short book is in paper back only, Robert Connell Clarke you can get the book or Kindle version through Amazon for $9.99. Myself I always get the Kindle version first, then if I like it I'll spend the extra for the physical book. I like having both lol
F2'S from what I've read are pretty unstable that's when you see a lot of recessive traits pop up, that your f1s didn't show. I'd say f2s are the most important, because you can dial your f3's in better weeding out the stuff you don't like and emphasizing on traits you do like. Dj Short says satisfy your own head, don't follow trends. His blueberry is what he's famous for, but it's what he liked. He says he even smokes the leaves of males to see how potent they are and of course the famous stem rub. Lol
I'm no expert by any means, just passing along information that I've seen and plan on using in my breeding practices. My hippy friend and I are hoping to merge in the next couple years and possibly selling beans. He's a lot more old-school and I am too, but have to try and add some kind of new school spin to things lol
One of the things you see less of now days is breeders offering regular seeds. Stick up on those while you can. I'm trying to. The way things are now days you never know ecspecially with big business and pharma Trying to get into the industry. I like to think we have enough grassroots folks in the industry to not allow them in, but it's not going to stop them from Trying and/or doing it. Fuck Monsanto!!!
As a culture, family, were all activist in a sense. States that are legal and all, this is an industry that we've created, not them. We need to keep it that way. Who would of thought, the old school hippies and newer generation stoners could do such things? Lmao Fuck em and feed em pintos.
I couldn't agree with you more.
Do any of you guys have to put up with stupid chemist's treating you like a meth head when you go in for cold and flu tablets these days? My local is ok but had to get some in town and they fucking interview you like your trying to cross a border or something. I mean mate im sitting here coughing and sneezing all over you what else you want? Fuckers are getting rid of all the tabs with pseudo in them and it's the only shit that fucking works, stupid meth heads ruin it for everyone. Anyway rant over im over being sick lol

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