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I am seriously contemplating quitting outdoor growing and dropping off the face of the internet
Do what I did get a five by five move indoors bro the last time I was raped that is what I did. I have had no heart ache since. I feel very sad for you bro. I have been ripped off by my own mother in law and her boyfriend and my brother in law outdoors. There is to many scum sucking pirates out there.
One for the [HASHTAG]#COBSnobs[/HASHTAG]
Do you go weak at the knees picturing these..?

If could be a [HASHTAG]#COBSnob[/HASHTAG]..
The Biggest revolution in grow lighting since the LED panel..taking the site by Storm 2017
If you have a COB on your Christmas List and want any help on which one to choose..what area would it spec or just want to join in our [HASHTAG]#asktheexpert[/HASHTAG] experience
Then join [HASHTAG]#livesstoners[/HASHTAG] chat on 29th September..the usual 6 pm BST spot and Chat Live with @RainDan from Timber Grow Lights.

[HASHTAG]#autowarriorsdo[/HASHTAG] RainDan from Timber Grow Lights..............[HASHTAG]#LiveInterview[/HASHTAG]

Come Join the Party..[HASHTAG]#smokecannabislivewithfriends[/HASHTAG]

A word about Timber Grow lights

We realize you have many options when it comes to LED Grow lights. By staying on the leading edge of technology, and leveraging our world class supply chain, we build top quality high performance LED lighting that will get you results and save you money.

But it doesn't stop at the sale. As lighting designers, we understand that there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to LED grow lights. Our products are designed with the grower in mind. Years of R&D and working with growers of all types have helped to shape our model line. Whether you have a small indoor grow, or require a larger solution, we are here to answer your questions and help.

That is the spirit of the Timber Grow Lights family. We designed it – engineered it – and build it by hand in San Diego, California. The people who do this work really care, are lighting professionals, and we take pride in what we do.

We look forward to helping you out with your next grow light purchase.

Don't forget

as usual we will be
in Live Stoners
an hour before the interview!!!

Come and join us
It's gonna be allsorts of FUN!

its worse than i thought.
a couple of hours in most directions and im in the middle of the ocean,im glad i dont have to deal much with time zones.remembering what day it is can be tricky enough at times.

Good morning 9Bear, Stoners.

You want to see confusing, look at a map of Florida at the west end of the panhandle. A little town of Port St. Joe. Go to a time zone map and you see where it should be in the next time zone but the line jogs around the town, keeping it in the Eastern zone. The St. Joe Paper Company was so powerful that when the government was drawing up the time zones, they wanted their offices to be in the same zone as the stock exchange and the New York bankers so they had the line moved. That was how powerful they were. Still are.
Do any of you guys have to put up with stupid chemist's treating you like a meth head when you go in for cold and flu tablets these days? My local is ok but had to get some in town and they fucking interview you like your trying to cross a border or something. I mean mate im sitting here coughing and sneezing all over you what else you want? Fuckers are getting rid of all the tabs with pseudo in them and it's the only shit that fucking works, stupid meth heads ruin it for everyone. Anyway rant over im over being sick lol

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Us old timers felt the same way when they stopped selling Paregoric on a signature. It was great for curing stomach aches in adults and children. Was good for smearing on dubes too.
Us old timers felt the same way when they stopped selling Paregoric on a signature. It was great for curing stomach aches in adults and children. Was good for smearing on dubes too.
At one time in the bad old days they used to give race horses heroin to give some of those tired old dudes a lift , hence the name " horse " . Unfortunately sometimes they would get overdosed and it took a week to get the poor old things slowed down .

are with us today as the Auto warriors do Timber Grow Lights.
We are also partying in Live stoners an hour before the interview,come and join us and have a blast.
Posters will be being posted in Live stoners, so watch out for further information!
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