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The might oak has fallen and is now just a sack full of nuts.. a nut sack if you willView attachment 805734hmmm ive never made it this far.. should i freeze this or dry it out @The Elvis @Micron Creek @pop22
Sorry, I didn't see this sooner. Take the staminates and shake em over a plate or envelope to catch some pollen, keeping them as branches causes problems from the humidity in the plant matter. Can store pollen for extended time in airtight container in freezer. I had issues with keeping humidity low enough. Air inside container froze, freezer pollen burn. No good, turned to spinach when thawed.
Fresh use was the best though. Still have some perfectly viable pollen in my lil envelope. Nice and dry.
Hello fellow stoners :cheers: I don't frequent on this section much but I have a question if y'all can help a fellow out? Lol.. I've made a bunch of grow journals on here that's basically what I use it for as well as for asking a random question time to time.. so... my wife wants me to make her kief tea, would this work? Basically I got some nice kief from my last harvest from my trim bin... I'm just not just sure if kief has to be decarboxylated? Or would the hot water do the decarbing? Thanks in advance :pass:
Kief tea might work if there is fat for the thc to bind to. Like milk. I would try and make medicated coconut oil with the kief, then add said oil to tea. Canna is a strong flavor but a good strainer and some brown sugar buddy, damn. I would use flower straight up in the hot water, but it would take a bit of time to get used to.
yeah its not bad. I prefer other these days but its not a bad buy man. I say go for it if your gonna need a Myco. might look at Inoclate [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] or Soil Life from Tea Labs. Amazon too. Life Cube is nice too with teas and topping to. top dressing.Bio VAM is also a nice one.
Hello fellow stoners :cheers: I don't frequent on this section much but I have a question if y'all can help a fellow out? Lol.. I've made a bunch of grow journals on here that's basically what I use it for as well as for asking a random question time to time.. so... my wife wants me to make her kief tea, would this work? Basically I got some nice kief from my last harvest from my trim bin... I'm just not just sure if kief has to be decarboxylated? Or would the hot water do the decarbing? Thanks in advance :pass:
Hey there. Me personally, I would use coconut oil, or butter with the kief, then use use your butter or oil in the tea. Similar to how you use it in coffee it's a big thing now. You would also have some extra for other uses as well. How much kief do you have?
Ok I appreciate the help everyone holy shit live stoners don't play around lol.. I have a little mound of kief lmao not sure of the weight if I had to guess maybe a gram or 2? Stuff is really light.. Or I can wait 60 days til my next harvest and make budder.. does kief go bad? It's just sitting in my trim bin tucked away...
Umm, so how is it lol?
I only used it on a couple of grows . It's one of those product's that the results of using it are not observable imo . At least for me . I now use Myke Pro nursery -WP . I'ts highly concentrated and expensive and I'm still not sure of the benefits . :shrug:
blue top full fat milk is only 8%fat.i made an edible once from decarbed buds,so strong a smell/taste even when watered down soso much with strong flavours.
if when i try again i will decarb kief rather than buds to try and kill off a lot of the warm weedy smell.
keif dont go bad,just like raw buds its not fond of air and light.
keep er lit.
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