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Bahahaha ill send em to your house!!!! I do jave some i wanna hit, but not all of em.. hey check this.. the girls are lookin happy,, i have the temps in check with the ability to drop temps by 10-15 degreesView attachment 805751.. still puny undersized and pathetic.. she is looking happy tho... temps stayed at 79 overnightView attachment 805752
These aren't your entries in the Mephisto Contest are they :shrug: or are they ??
dry it! And don't leave a fresh plant long in a ziplock, if the pollen gets damp from the plant drying out, it will ruin the pollen.Strip the leaves and hang it upside down in a paper bag. You can then scrape to pollen off the paper and store it in freezer bag ziplocks. Put a couple desicant packs in the ziplock and store in the fridge. You can freeze it the same way. Frozen it will keep at least 6 months.

The might oak has fallen and is now just a sack full of nuts.. a nut sack if you willView attachment 805734hmmm ive never made it this far.. should i freeze this or dry it out @The Elvis @Micron Creek @pop22
if the pollen gets damp from the plant drying out, it will ruin the pollen
damn its been 20 hours...ill throw it...the good thing is that was not the whole plant,but i better go get the rest before the pups think its theirs...Thank You!!!
Mornin looking good, on track for a 30th cut date... peppers are coming along, black jalapeños are starting to turn now...
and the one reaper looks mean as shit!

Northern Lights getting fat...12 more days...
Bahahaha,, i went to move the plant, and the pups started circling like sharks.. a few leaves and the little one was passed out
still plenty of good pollen left
Good morning stoners! :pass: Since we can never have enough bud shots, here's a Mephisto 3 Bears OG and Sour Stomper pic. They've been curing about 3 months now and just keep getting better! Have a great day AFN!
nice,i have 14 pepper plants lined up on my kitchen windowsill with no idea when and what to do with them.
Salsas, hot sauces, I cook with a lot of peppers, I just use less of the hottest ones.
my father took a bunch of my thai peppers, garlic and an old bottle and made a hot vinegar for cooking... lots lof uses!
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