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Not dissing the meterless Brethren:pighug: That combination of great buffering soil and nutes, Nirvana! :headbang:
I remember having to get my personal (pee) pH to 8+. Insane levels to be sure, but life saving:biggrin:
I will never be without a meter, for myself or my grow:bighug::pass:

Yeah the guerilla scene is different...i taught myself which surrounding plant life grows ideally in the right range for weed. It was trial and error!! I did some nice guerilla style plants, but nothing like the plants taken care of.
My Grandmother was a snowbird whe loved the fact that we had Thanksgiving in October and then head to Florida and have another thanksgiving dinner. She would put on just as big a thanksgiving feast in Florida as in Canada. I had a bunch of aunts uncles and grand parents that were florida bound for five months. I had a lot of fun at Walt disney back in the seventies
I have really great well water I have never phd I am not saying that is the way to go by no means. But since 1993 I have grown pot in nothing but pro mix BX and then HP. Outdoor I would dig a pit fill it with pro mix put some blood and bone meal in I would use granular nutrients and grow huge arse plants with never a ph problem. Now I just make sure I stay under the PPM I keep my nutrient program as lean as possible and read the plant. When growing in pro mix can be very forgiving if you over or underfeed IMO
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