Good evening LS!

Hope everything's good with you -
@Dichoti sorry to hear man
I'm great thanks Vapo! Apart from the bummer with my 2 litre photo plant

It's my own fault, I had it down as an auto in my spreadsheet! I'd like to blame being stoned but I can't...
Ahhh now I see where the link went wrong last time. Thanks bud, I'll have a good browse!
What I really want to do is make my own ejuice but it seems such a waste to make up 5ml at a time and find I don't like it. Do you make your own from scratch, or will you be buying them in?
But you need to be able to give recommendations to customers, don't you? You're welcome
I use - my own weather station is on there. They're mostly personal weather stations rather than big setups and there's historical data too.
Had forgotten about that site, thanks for the reminder!
We're still using an A570IS. We liked it so much that when it started to fail due to age hubby found a new one on ebay for just over 20 quid. I now have the old one for my upstairs pics and we use the newer one for everything else. Here's something he took today:
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He's much better at taking photos than I am!