Good Morning
@Mossy and AFN
Great Day for the Race the human race that is . English is a difficult language to understand and even more to communicate with . Words like four and fore can have 2 different meanings but sound the same . You get the idea . It can get confusing . Now you put an English speaking male and a Chinese speaking female ( English is her second language ) and you end up with a carload of problems just trying to communicate

Lots of misunderstandings , communication problems and the game goes on . I live in my current situation under these conditions where I haven't a clue whats going on . One day it's completely acceptable for me to grow my plants the next day I'm going to send the whole household to jail and I'm be asking to vacate again . I don't mind I've been to jail before and the foods not bad accommodations are acceptable but a little confining

. For the life of me I don't have clue where this woman is coming from . Well thats my vent for the day have a great day I have to fix a very untrue gate which I removed to allow the old air conditioner to be removed so my day will be filled running to Home Depot picking up material that I damaged during renovation . Talk at you during the day more comic theatre to follow