@blue ...

Wooow,... I'm gobsmacked! If I knew you felt this way, I'd have hit on you a bit harder-

... Thanks for the love
Blooo, you're the best! That there is the Sweet Seeds Psicodelicia, a damn fine strain I must say! (run her sometime
Green Gob's) ....I'd love to see her turned into an auto, but if Sweet hasn't gone there yet, it's unlikely they will,... could be a fun breeding project though! I can easily see her hooking up with a fine-ass Mephisto Sativa-


-- you shared my secret patent product, Styro' Wedgies!!

.... not for nodal spacing though just forcing those laterals down and out some, because they tend to go straight up on my OD girls,... a strong phototropic response I figure,... it saves the hassle and clusterf*ck mess of running dozens of tie lines on the plant!

they still want to go vertical, so adjustments are needed until the branch hardens off some, by then the node budlets get better exposure,....

...watch out, you may get some hairy ham-fisted lummox with bad cologne instead!

... wait 'til he says "hey 9bear, how many battery powered marital aids am I holding up?"

.... just be glad you're not Cosby (what a heart break there, right?)....he'll meet some new fans where he's going though

, but it won't be comedy they're interested in,...