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To elaborate a bit - all the machine does is pass information along - it's not the source, or the arbiter for its distribution

I know that, Mike.....I should have been more clear in my post.....I suppose this is just the next evolution of our society!
Most people I know online are good folks. Smart folks. A good number of them hang out here. There are also so many billionairs today that were just bratty college kids 20 years ago. None of them cared about anything else besides making a dollar. They gathered the masses with promises of free fun! And everyone fell for it. Everyone.

And here we are.
I dunno about ruining it, but definitely turning it into something else. I'm with you, though...I'll take a good band that can rock a stadium full of people over modern day music shows where it's more about the choreography and the backup dancers.

Reality TV has it's drawbacks with modern music as well....



Right on, Dave! I have seen concerts on MTV live where the band consisted of one guy with his computer and a guy with one of those electronic drum sets. These guys were supposed to be a big time act.....I thought they sucked out loud but the kids there were eating it up.............
Right on, Dave! I have seen concerts on MTV live where the band consisted of one guy with his computer and a guy with one of those electronic drum sets. These guys were supposed to be a big time act.....I thought they sucked out loud but the kids there were eating it up.............

Because kids are stupid LOL

There’s some younger guys where i work who will be listening to their music on Bluetooth speakers occasionally and when I happen to catch what they are listening to I want jam a screwdriver into each ear.
Most people I know online are good folks. Smart folks. A good number of them hang out here. There are also so many billionairs today that were just bratty college kids 20 years ago. None of them cared about anything else besides making a dollar. They gathered the masses with promises of free fun! And everyone fell for it. Everyone.

And here we are.

True, yes! Here we are! But that's not what I meant.......using computers to communicate for a group of people with like interests is a logical use of the technology....but carrying it to the extreme that kids are now days with popularity tied to the likes they can generate on some site and oh hell, forget about it........rave over!!
True, yes! Here we are! But that's not what I meant.......using computers to communicate for a group of people with like interests is a logical use of the technology....but carrying it to the extreme that kids are now days with popularity tied to the likes they can generate on some site and oh hell, forget about it........rave over!!


The internet is not a place for kids. It was never intended to be filtered or regulated. They are no longer getting proper childhoods because parents are exposing them to it before they are even remotely mature enough mentally and emotionally to deal with it. And to make it even better, now it's the platform they use to communicate almost exclusively. I think any parent with a whif of concern would have to know this is a bad idea.

But how do you stop it? Honestly, we should have known better. The majority of people on the planet just were not ready for it. Hell, they still aren't.
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