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thanks dude:bow:
Yeah I love "rare" stuff like that.

It's better to find stuff on the archive sites (like the Wayback Machine/Internet Archive) - but sometimes you have to dive through spam...

Interesting barely related story.... Remember the original zombie movie? Night Of The Living Dead? Did you know that it's not copyrighted? Because they did not include a deceleration of copyright in the film itself, it is considered in the public domain.

The law changed sometime in the late 60s, so now copyright is implied.

That's why all the old movies and cartoons had that full screen copyright notice. Though more to the point, why newer movies and cartoons do not. In the case of Night Of The Living Dead, the producers just forgot to add it.


The end result is the full movie is legally available for download from the internet archive..

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Holy shit I'm stoned...

Literally just "clippings" from the GG4. Had to take off a few branches that were encroaching on the space needed by the Cheese, and by drawing them out of the way with a tie left them out of the light.

Yeah, and I kinda wanted to get stoned, too...

This is still way immature flower, and yet I am pretty whacked. This is going to be epic once harvested proper.
If I’m remembering my teenage years correctly,girls on film was the video to watch

Heck, in my teenage years, there were no videos...........I really don't like videos...........I prefer whatever mental pictures a good song activates in my mind.....not some director's vision........though I will admit I have seen a few that were incredibly well done........I guess I'm really old school!
thanks dude....Ive never found an english version of the Mad Monster Party....if you like stop motion, and I do lol, its ace

the old cartoons are classic.......I love them, horrible child psychosis forming violence and all, lol! The new ones not so much........guess I'm old school on this, also!
You lucky bugger!! I want some strawberry milkshake ANQ! I am so growing some this winter

Skelly, I just have this picture in my head of your house...........every shelf, every table, and every available flat surface are covered with rows and rows of Mason jars filled with various kinds of herb............kind of like the witches house in Hansel and Gretal! What a sight it must be!!!
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