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Hey now!
XKCD on aging...
Hey now! Me again. Public service announcement. Just because you think Facebook is evil, doesn't mean they aren't abusing your identity. (my apologies to Joseph Heller for the bastardized quote}
Facebook’s core business model is built around advertising, which means that it will always share its users’ data with advertisers. And, despite the company’s strenuous apologies, it is continuing to push the boundaries of privacy to ensure that its market dominance remains unchallenged. The latest front in that fight is facial recognition.

AsThe New York Timesreportedearlier this week, “more than a dozen privacy and consumer groups, and at least a few officials, argue that the company’s use of facial recognition has violated people’s privacy by not obtaining appropriate user consent.” The facial recognition software used by Facebook scans photos uploaded to the social network against a database of“unique templates”of user faces to help recognize them. It does so without alerting the person whose face has been identified or obtaining their consent.
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All seriousness aside, Bud, well done!!! There used to be a timer on the market (RainBird???) that could even be used to automate that. Could give you some little extra freedom - feed them now, go to the mountains for a few days & feed them again while you're gone.

Very cool!! It could be useful indeed, though i doubt i will need it this year. Thanks for the kind words bud!
Hello all.....I made a big boo boo.....last night after watering i forgot to fill my bubble bucket up......does anybody know the minimum time to bubble your water to evaporate the chlorine please??????????????
Nobody knows the minimum time to bubble your water?????.......come on AFN!!!
Nobody knows the minimum time to bubble your water?????.......come on AFN!!!
I can say google is of little help here. Issue seems to be that chlorination varies between municipalities. I saw estimates from seconds to hours. If it were me, I would aerate the hell out of it for about three four hours. That is what I do when I make teas with my "microbulator" I run the airpump with plain water for about 3-6 hours before adding the compost and food. My teas work so I think I am OK with this method. 12-24 if you want to be safe tho...
I can say google is of little help here. Issue seems to be that chlorination varies between municipalities. I saw estimates from seconds to hours. If it were me, I would aerate the hell out of it for about three four hours. That is what I do when I make teas with my "microbulator" I run the airpump with plain water for about 3-6 hours before adding the compost and food. My teas work so I think I am OK with this method. 12-24 if you want to be safe tho...
dude I just left it an hour........thanks for the reply tho☺
@Mike20132 ...this has been knocked into Reported Posts for @Son of Hobbes ...:headbang:..this is exactly where we are going...we want 24 hour [HASHTAG]#afnradio[/HASHTAG] ...reels filled with interviews tips and tutorials...and some Good music... [HASHTAG]#choonin[/HASHTAG]
If I can help in any way, let me know. I have a pretty fast connection here (gigabit internet) and a very capable machine. And I am pretty familiar with radio station automation software.
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