Not open for further replies.'ve seen where I described the buzz, right? Kind of like "Okay, I can feel it creeping up on me...aaannnndddd I can't feel my legs. I wonder what the world would really be like if cat was really spelled d-o-g...wait, I'm stoned. And It's still creeping on me. Fuuuuu-"
That's about how my first experience with it went. After that, it's like smoking pot for the first time again. Super-stoned, and EVERYTHING is hilarious.
Given the immaturity of what I tried yesterday, this is looking like it's gonna be a fun harvest!

Last night, I was pretty kicked, but I was also exhausted from work, and had more than a few drinks in me. So this morning, I took a few hits off of the vape from the leftovers from last night. I am trying to do my job. I can't feel my face. Send help.
Given the immaturity of what I tried yesterday, this is looking like it's gonna be a fun harvest!

Last night, I was pretty kicked, but I was also exhausted from work, and had more than a few drinks in me. So this morning, I took a few hits off of the vape from the leftovers from last night. I am trying to do my job. I can't feel my face. Send help.
Which face . :rofl:
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