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Gonna sit home tonight and watch a few episodes of Band of Brothers while fireworks boom in through the window.

If you haven't seen that mini series yet, it is really, really good. Episode 1 is a little weak, but that's because of a combination of it being the obligatory boot-camp segment... and they put David Schwimmer in as the company leader (seriously?). The end of that episode is just pure, unadulterated Karma. Overall, not terrible, but certainly the weakest of the series. In my opinion.

If you can get past the fist one, ever other episode will blow you away.
Wow, can this day get any better?? My cable box just croaked........after speaking for 30 minutes with a lady that spoke English sort of.......that is the conclusion that Comcast came to........they can come replace it tomorrow between 4-7pm. I just hope it's ok before the WC resumes Friday! It took me forever to get to speak to a human.......their computer phone service kept telling me that my phone number didn't match my account........this after 3 separate attempts to post my new number over the last year and each time being told that it had been taken care of........come to find out the number itself was correct but they had the wrong area code. I don't know if you people have seen Comcast's new commercials about how they are now all about customer service? I find that idea patently ridiculous.....what kind of company has to state....."we are now all about customer service!" What were they before......not about it? As far as I can tell their customer service is as bad as it ever was in the 4 years I have had their product.................Whew! Rant over!!
Gonna sit home tonight and watch a few episodes of Band of Brothers while fireworks boom in through the window.

If you haven't seen that mini series yet, it is really, really good. Episode 1 is a little weak, but that's because of a combination of it being the obligatory boot-camp segment... and they put David Schwimmer in as the company leader (seriously?). The end of that episode is just pure, unadulterated Karma. Overall, not terrible, but certainly the weakest of the series. In my opinion.

If you can get past the fist one, ever other episode will blow you away.

Great series, Mike! I have watched it 2-3 times and it never fails to entertain.......very well written, acted and produced......I agree with you re 1st episode!
@Mike20132 .....did you get some heavy rain and t-storms up your way? Looked like on our local radar they were pretty heavy up there.
Heard some rumbles off in the distance about 7pm. Assumed it was fireworks.... No rain to speak of right where I am. My neighbors should start blowing stuff up soon. Was pretty entertaining last year.
Heard some rumbles off in the distance about 7pm. Assumed it was fireworks.... No rain to speak of right where I am. My neighbors should start blowing stuff up soon. Was pretty entertaining last year.

Artillery barrage just commenced a few minutes is major league unhappy!!!
Jarred up some LSD 25 last night dark purple to black.doing a split harvest.
I haven't got a video yet, but my greyhound Bubbly Bluebird ran a stunning race last night. He beat some of the best dogs in the country by four lengths.
So proud of him............oh here it is

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