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I took a keen interest in network engineering right around the time the Internet started to take hold. Back then, a call to the ISP was more of a conversation between two engineers than anything else. We got it worked out and everyone lived happily ever after.

Now, the internet is about as pervasive as the air we breath. Calling support to have them ask me to reset my modem makes me die a little inside. "I know what the problem is. If you'd listen to me, we'd both be better off." The person on the other end pauses for a second, then continues on with the script. They have to deal with too many customers to have the actual engineers fielding calls.

As of this year, I carry a CCNP certification. I have 4 years of experience specifically in working with cable modem/set top box management. The way things are set up, the level of interaction I used to really enjoy back in the 80's just won't and can't happen anymore.

I understand why, but it still sucks.

If all the calls didn't get routed to someplace that sounds like it might be New Dehli.........communication between customer and company might be facilitated. You want to hear another giggle......Comcast was supposed to call me 30 minutes after speaking with their service lady..........its been about 90 minutes and, guess what, no call! Bet they screwed up my phone number for the 4th time.....LMAO!........More "we are all about customer service" I just about puke every time I see those commercials now!
Well, I'm going to go lay down and put my bluetooth headphones on and see if I can get my dog to calm down.........come to think of it, I have two sets of earphones.......I wonder if.............the dog loves music.....................see you all tomorrow!
Well, I'm going to go lay down and put my bluetooth headphones on and see if I can get my dog to calm down.........come to think of it, I have two sets of earphones.......I wonder if.............the dog loves music.....................see you all tomorrow!

Ever tried one of the thunder shirts with the pooch? Fortunately, mine doesn't seem to mind booms so thunder and fireworks have never really bothered him. Had dogs in the past that would curl up shivering in the corner of a closet whenever a storm would roll through, and wonder if the thunder shirts work and might have helped with them. Supposedly, the weight and/or tightness of them is supposed to feel like a hug to the dog and help calm them.

Ever tried one of the thunder shirts with the pooch? Fortunately, mine doesn't seem to mind booms so thunder and fireworks have never really bothered him. Had dogs in the past that would curl up shivering in the corner of a closet whenever a storm would roll through, and wonder if the thunder shirts work and might have helped with them. Supposedly, the weight and/or tightness of them is supposed to feel like a hug to the dog and help calm them.


That’s nice, my dog thinks it’s time too rumble, she even tried too attack a huge jcb digger forks.... while it was driving towards her. So wonder her sibling has gone too win rewards in k9 trials lol.
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