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Wow, can this day get any better?? My cable box just croaked........after speaking for 30 minutes with a lady that spoke English sort of.......that is the conclusion that Comcast came to........they can come replace it tomorrow between 4-7pm. I just hope it's ok before the WC resumes Friday! It took me forever to get to speak to a human.......their computer phone service kept telling me that my phone number didn't match my account........this after 3 separate attempts to post my new number over the last year and each time being told that it had been taken care of........come to find out the number itself was correct but they had the wrong area code. I don't know if you people have seen Comcast's new commercials about how they are now all about customer service? I find that idea patently ridiculous.....what kind of company has to state....."we are now all about customer service!" What were they before......not about it? As far as I can tell their customer service is as bad as it ever was in the 4 years I have had their product.................Whew! Rant over!!

I absolutely dread it every time I've had to call them. Just so many bad experiences that I'm almost pissed about the experience before I even dial the number if I have to call 'em now. :wall: :baked:
I absolutely dread it every time I've had to call them. Just so many bad experiences that I'm almost pissed about the experience before I even dial the number if I have to call 'em now. :wall: :baked:'s like knowing you're going to get crapped on before you dial............damn, i've got someone shooting off major league illegal fireworks a couple of blocks away.......the kind that fire like mortar shells and that you need a license and permit to least in is pacing the floor panting and looking quite pissed herself!
Speedy recovery everyone cheers!
4d925884fe1456fbacbf6feea45a8961.jpg's like knowing you're going to get crapped on before you dial............damn, i've got someone shooting off major league illegal fireworks a couple of blocks away.......the kind that fire like mortar shells and that you need a license and permit to least in is pacing the floor panting and looking quite pissed herself!

I took a keen interest in network engineering right around the time the Internet started to take hold. Back then, a call to the ISP was more of a conversation between two engineers than anything else. We got it worked out and everyone lived happily ever after.

Now, the internet is about as pervasive as the air we breath. Calling support to have them ask me to reset my modem makes me die a little inside. "I know what the problem is. If you'd listen to me, we'd both be better off." The person on the other end pauses for a second, then continues on with the script. They have to deal with too many customers to have the actual engineers fielding calls.

As of this year, I carry a CCNP certification. I have 4 years of experience specifically in working with cable modem/set top box management. The way things are set up, the level of interaction I used to really enjoy back in the 80's just won't and can't happen anymore.

I understand why, but it still sucks.
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