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Mine is one of those areas that have a cull from time to time. I have a feeling the culls are backfiring.. The deer know that there are areas where they won't get shot. That's exactly the places we don't want them (near homes and small farms).

Not sure what else to do, though. Their numbers get to the point where they become a danger to us and themselves. I participated in one cull. Picking off deer with a rifle from a distance. After the 10th kill, I decided it wasn't for me. Even though the meat was being harvested and used to feed those who needed it, it just didn't seem right. Shooting fish in a barrel is perhaps just slightly easier.

The Bambi freaks are getting what they deserve.......they won't be happy until deer start starving from over population like what happened in Florida several years ago....then they run around wringing their hands and moaning "how could this happen?" It happens when people close off their lands to all hunting, preach that guns and hunting are wrong and evil so less and less people want to hunt and shoot....and if they do it's very hard to find a place to do it. They conveniently forget that deer[in this area]have no natural predators except cars and that they are extremely adaptable to living in populated areas. It's a serious problem that is only going to get worse!
This is copied and pasted from someone lol

have known of a great way for growing outdoors for years now, and i have not once seen a thread on here about my method. i thought i would share my knowledge, for you growers who have never thought of this.
My method is growing your plants at the top of a tree or trees.
by growing at the top of a tree, your plants will recive a great deal of light, that is not availible on the ground.

there are a few different ways to grow your plant at the top of a tree.
one is to grow your plant in a bucket, and set it up on a pully system. the advantage of using a pully system is that you dont have to climb to the top of the tree to check your plant. if its on a pully, you only have to only climb, say 10 feet, then lower your bucket on the pully system, do what is needed, then send it back to the top.
to decide on a tree; find a tree that has low branches, so you can climb into the tree. you just need a tree that is easy to climb. and has a nice canopy.

once you have the tree you will use; then you have to climb to the top, and find the spot where your bucket/plant will rest.
the spot where your plant should be, should be as close to the top of the tree as possible, if not the very top. you should clear out any main branches that will be blocking light from your plant.
if done properly, you plant will recive tons of light, and will grow Huge!, and simply replace the top of a tree.
if you find a tree that is easy to climb all the way to the top, you dont even need a pully system. just somehow keep your bucket mounted at the top of the tree. i found a way in my tree, to just wedge the bucket in place, and it sits upright.
if you decide to grow in the tops of trees, you dont have to grow just one plant. i found it very easy to grow 4 plants per tree. you can also grow in more than just one tree. you could grow in 5 trees, and have 3 plants in each. or you could grow in 5 trees, with one plant in each. its really up to you, and the tree you picked.
a 6 foot tall plant, isnt even the least bit noticeable sticking out of the top of a tree, i really think this is a great method, if you dont want to risk getting caught, or your crop stolen. also using this method, you will get very large, very potent buds, if done correctly.

Tips: if you are using a white bucket to grow in; you should camoflauge the bucket to match the tree, make your bucket the two main colors of the tree your growing in. find spray paint that is close to the color of the bark of the tree, and the green leaves. if done right, your bucket will be virtually invisible.
also, if you use a pully system: use green ropes, and spray paint the pullys, so they dont shine.
The Bambi freaks are getting what they deserve.......they won't be happy until deer start starving from over population like what happened in Florida several years ago....then they run around wringing their hands and moaning "how could this happen?" It happens when people close off their lands to all hunting, preach that guns and hunting are wrong and evil so less and less people want to hunt and shoot....and if they do it's very hard to find a place to do it. They conveniently forget that deer[in this area]have no natural predators except cars and that they are extremely adaptable to living in populated areas. It's a serious problem that is only going to get worse!

Always some one to protest. Story old as time. Same thing been happening every year since like the 80's with the annual deer hunt on the ground of the Air Force Academy. Protesters make it sound like mass deer slaughter, when in fact it's a very limited number of hunters allowed and they're escorted around by MP's and a game warden who pretty much picks one out and tells 'em "there..that one". More were getting killed by cars every year than they were allowing to be hunted. Heck, part of the purpose of the hunt is to try and help with the problem of too many wandering into traffic by employing a little population management.
This is copied and pasted from someone lol

have known of a great way for growing outdoors for years now, and i have not once seen a thread on here about my method. i thought i would share my knowledge, for you growers who have never thought of this.
My method is growing your plants at the top of a tree or trees.
by growing at the top of a tree, your plants will recive a great deal of light, that is not availible on the ground.

there are a few different ways to grow your plant at the top of a tree.
one is to grow your plant in a bucket, and set it up on a pully system. the advantage of using a pully system is that you dont have to climb to the top of the tree to check your plant. if its on a pully, you only have to only climb, say 10 feet, then lower your bucket on the pully system, do what is needed, then send it back to the top.
to decide on a tree; find a tree that has low branches, so you can climb into the tree. you just need a tree that is easy to climb. and has a nice canopy.

once you have the tree you will use; then you have to climb to the top, and find the spot where your bucket/plant will rest.
the spot where your plant should be, should be as close to the top of the tree as possible, if not the very top. you should clear out any main branches that will be blocking light from your plant.
if done properly, you plant will recive tons of light, and will grow Huge!, and simply replace the top of a tree.
if you find a tree that is easy to climb all the way to the top, you dont even need a pully system. just somehow keep your bucket mounted at the top of the tree. i found a way in my tree, to just wedge the bucket in place, and it sits upright.
if you decide to grow in the tops of trees, you dont have to grow just one plant. i found it very easy to grow 4 plants per tree. you can also grow in more than just one tree. you could grow in 5 trees, and have 3 plants in each. or you could grow in 5 trees, with one plant in each. its really up to you, and the tree you picked.
a 6 foot tall plant, isnt even the least bit noticeable sticking out of the top of a tree, i really think this is a great method, if you dont want to risk getting caught, or your crop stolen. also using this method, you will get very large, very potent buds, if done correctly.

Tips: if you are using a white bucket to grow in; you should camoflauge the bucket to match the tree, make your bucket the two main colors of the tree your growing in. find spray paint that is close to the color of the bark of the tree, and the green leaves. if done right, your bucket will be virtually invisible.
also, if you use a pully system: use green ropes, and spray paint the pullys, so they dont shine.

so...I just had to google "tree top growing weed"....its a thing.but looks to be a pain in the ass
Or what's a .204 Ruger, 47gr at 4350fps? Hell of a lot of fun too, but that .22-250 can reach out about twice as far and say hello.
Swear by my .17 for varmits. If its too big to kill with a .17, I ought not be shooting at it in the first place.
So I just installed a new RO system for the house (we have well water and it sucks), and I got one of those kind that puts minerals back into the water. I'm going to run a line from the RO system over to my autopot storage tank so i can just open a valve and fill er up. Would I be better suited to tap the line before the filter thingy that adds the minerals back in or just chill the f out and use the water with the minerals?
If you are looking for pure water for nutes, I don't think you want to add anything else ahead of the nutes. Sounds counter-productive to me.
After shooting 10 lol


Lucky ypu didn’t have a automatic :eyebrows:
I went into it with the mindset that this helps both the deer and us. They don't starve to death or die of disease, and the people with less than enough food to eat don't starve. I think if it was actually a challenge (normal hunting) it would have been easier to stomach. Those 10 kills happened in one day. The deer literally had nowhere to go. Didn't take too long for me to go from "this is the right thing to do" to "while this is the right thing to do, this is not how I pictured it being done."

I don't normally hunt at all. The closest thing to living that I have ever shot (aside from varmits) is a tree stump that the target was stapled to.
Tonight I mourn the loss of a fine lady... The last of my first grow of Speed Bud...

The last of her before grinding...


This is the last bit from the largest top... Here it is all ground up...


Brings a tear to the eye. Until....


Cheers, Speed Bud. See you next time!
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